No $5 daiquiris...
The plan was to hit the Blue Light tonight for Chris Knight's cd release party and grab some $5 jumbo daiquiris (cherry, yum). That went out the window when I woke up from my 'nap' at 9:45. I'm sure the show is just under way...and I'll hear from David how great it was.
This morning, I had to drive out to Yoakum County to enter an order. I am usually pretty good at finding my way someplace. I rarely get turned around or freaked out because I have no earthly idea where I am. This morning I had a slight freak out episode. I didn't want to be late, so I left home an hour and twenty minutes before the hearing. The drive is about 55 minutes. This way, I'd have time to go over the details with the DA, talk and discuss the order and concessions with my client and not have to rush through everything. Yeah, I got there at 9:25 a.m. No idea, maybe I entered the twilight zone on the way.
Then, on the way back to the office, I somehow took a completely different route home (and made much better time). I was wiped out by noon.
So now, I sit here in my room drinking some concoction Chris made. It has merlot, amaretto and I guess sour mix. I'm not a fan of the merlot, but it'll do.
Here's one of my favorites from Toad the Wet Sprocket , I Will Not Take These Things for Granted:
One part of me just wants to tell you everything
one part just needs the quiet
and if I'm lonely here, I'm lonely here
and on the telephone
you offer reassurance
I will not take these things for granted
How can I hold the part of me that only you can carry
it needs a strength I haven't found
but if it's frightening, I'll bear the cold
and on the telephone
you offer warm asylum
I'm listening
flowers in the garden
laughter in the hall
children in the park
I will not take these things for granted
To crawl inside the wire and feel something near me
to feel this accepting
that it is lonely here, but not alone
and on the telephone
you offer visions dancing
I'm listening
music in the bedroom
laughter in the hall
dive into the ocean
singing by the fire
running through the forest
and standing in the wind
in rolling canyons
I will not take these things for granted
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