Monday, September 18

just have to get something out of my head...

No one directly involved in this story reads or even knows this blog, I don't feel bad airing my frustrations. I have known the person who's the focus of this for about seven years. I have never considered this person a friend, but they somehow are always around. I have never had this person's telephone number, email address, or even known where they live. I have always known them via others in my social circle.

I have never pretended to be anything more than an acquaintance of hers. I know the basics of what's going on with her and am able to make small talk, if it becomes necessary. I try to avoid all contact with her if at all possible. She has caused too much drama and pain to people that are like a second family to me. I have no interest in what she is doing. I have no interest in sharing any personal information with her, because based on past experience, she will use this information to weasel her way into my friends' lives or use it against them in some way.

I do not consider myself to be even remotely rude or disrespectful to other people. I hate seeing other people being treated that way, and if any of you see me acting like that, I'd like you to call me out on it. I haven't been hateful towards her, but I have not extended myself to her, either. I would never intentionally hurt someone. I guess that's what bothered me the most about what happened...

Being informed by two dear friends that she relayed a story to them in which I supposedly ditched her and acted like a 'middle-school' aged kid earlier in the afternoon just really aggravated me. My friends both told her that it certainly didn't sound like me. First, I am never anything but civil to her when I have to be in the same place as she. Second, I would never voluntarily agree to spend more time with her than I have to...much less invite her out somewhere. Sorry. There are some people that I do not want to spend my weekends with. I refuse to subject myself to someone that will just try to get details of my friends' personal lives from me to use as ammo later.

Right now, I'm stuck in a situation where it appears I will have to see her on a fairly regular basis if I want to continue seeing/visiting a friend. I don't want to let her have that much power over whether I continue spending time with a friend, but it does factor in. I don't think we should all applaud her when she's on 'good behavior.' I'm with one of my guy friends in wondering "why the hell is she still around all of us?" Not one of us has been spared from being the subject of her gossip. I was sure I'd be able to sever all ties after eighteen months...but there she was again.


At 5:21 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I think we all have a person like this in our "outer" circle, so to speak. I, like you, am never overtly rude to anyone, but there are certain people that I'd rather be around as little as possible. At some point, you may just have to tell her that you aren't closer to her because of her gossipy behavior, and site the instances where you have been the victim.

And on the other side, sometimes it's not even worth explaining to people like this, and it's almost easier to let them think you're a bitch. Your real friends know who you are inside and won't think twice of her opinion.

And I love you. Just so you know.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger V said...

Thanks, Heather. I love you, too.

It's just hard. Solely because she's present, I know some people won't be coming to an event. I hate that I don't get to see friends just because they are avoiding this person (and have been for the past 6 years).

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Erica said...

I can't see you ever being rude to anyone Miss V! You are one of the sweetest, most genuine people I've ever met! I'm sorry you have to deal with someone like this!

(I don't really have any advice...just wanted to give you a little pep talk LOL)

Miss you!!! :o)

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Tracey said...

You want me to talk to her? 'Cause I can... I'm not exactly known for my kindness... I'd be more than happy to set her straight!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger V said...

HAHAHA! You got a deal, Tracey!


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