Saturday, January 13

can't control the weather...

So, what was in the plans this weekend? Reckless & Ragweed? No go. Motorcars? Again, a no go. The roads were just too bad to make the drive. I'm sure that I could have made the drive to Amarillo last night and been fine. I just would have had to stay the night, and since I've just been back a few days, I'm not ready to sleep in a bed other than my own. I gave Justin my ticket and made him promise he'd stay with his brother for the night. He reported back that I would have loved the show, but it was freezing and I made the right call. I don't know if he's just trying to be nice or what, but that's why we love him. It would have been no favor to my health to go to the show; the cough is still hanging on.

This afternoon, I was almost certain I'd make the trek to Odessa. The roads weren't bad at all. However, the weather forecast for the night did not look good at all. I'm better off playing it safe and waiting until next weekend. I'll be heading to Fort Worth Friday, so why not see the Motorcars at the Aardvark?

I went with my sister to take Lex to get her ears pierced Friday afternoon. I couldn't watch. I'm not sure how moms do it. I went to visit my little cousin Christopher in the hospital a few years ago and it was awful watching the doctor and nurse manipulate the IV in his little hand. The piercing went off without a hitch, and there was a minimal amount of silent tears afterwards. Lex was so happy though, after the pain subsided. She announced to anyone that would listen that it was her birthday and that she'd just gotten her ears pierced.

To make up for the weekend at home, I'm all over Monday night at the Blue Light. It's been at least a month since I've seen Charlie's acoustic show. I can't wait.

I hope everyone had a safe weekend, I'm looking forward to this front moving out of the area and getting some sort of respite from being cooped up in the house.


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