Monday, April 6

crappy weekend to start...

...ended up alright

Friday did not go as planned. The cherry on top? I had a flat tire waiting for me. Craptastic!

The rest of the weekend was fine. Well, after I got over the fact that I would not be seeing Boland Saturday night at the Wormy Dog (*sniff*). It would have been a harried weekend anyway, so I'll just find another time to visit.

I saw I Love You, Man over the weekend. Watch it if you get a chance. It has a great soundtrack, too. Spoon seemed to invade my weekend: on the ipod, the movie and HGTV commercials. That last one shocked me...I had to stop and make sure I wasn't mistaken. "Underdog" for some kind of generic HGTV promotion.

I didn't watch the ACM awards. I followed along on Twitter and the only things I am really curious about are: 1.) What's the Matthew "boots" story? and 2.) What did Blake Shelton sing? HAHAHA (That's for you, Suzy!) I'm bummed RRB got no face time (according to a text I got, no idea, didn't witness a second of the show). I loved following Chris' tweets about EYB's adventures out there through twitpic.

Here's to a fast week...Wednesday night in A-town for RRB (too long!) and San Francisco this weekend.


At 10:45 AM, Blogger ~Becky said...

McCona-hottey, basically told securtiy, or the owner, that he made George Strait's boots to get into a concert when he was younger, and they let him in.

I missed Blake Shelton.

And I thought you were seeing RRB on Thursday? Not that I'll be there, but I thought it was Th.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger V said...

I probably did say Thursday, but it's Wednesday night. I think they're in Abilene or Wichita Falls on Thursday.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Not true about RRB. We saw Brady and Les for like two whole seconds sitting behind that girl from the Big Bang Theory! Thank goodness for Tivo and Amber's quick eyes lol

Craptastic...I see you are working IBBB's language into your life too!

Anycrap, I can't wait to see you in the City by the Bay this weekend!! :)

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Oh and not to be a stickler or anything, but Matthew and his brother told a couple of girls that "they were trying to score with" that they were bootmakers and they made George's boots for him. And it worked, poor suckers. (Again, thank you Tivo lol)

At 6:40 PM, Blogger V said...

LOL! You and Amber, up to speed on all the important matters.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger ~Becky said...

yeah, I needed to edit myself...I obviously did not pay very good attention with the boot story...oh well.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger suzy said...

Don't think for a second that Amber and Vegas didn't catch every single move the RRB or Matthew made. LOL! And I totally would have fallen for MM's boot story. No doubt.

Blake sang "She Wouldn't Be Gone." You're favorite BS song, right?!

At 12:01 AM, Blogger V said...

Aw! LOL...and it totally is


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