Sunday, October 1

my favorite weekend of the year...

This coming weekend is generally my favorite one of the year. OU/TX weekend is always fun, win or lose. I love seeing friends and taking in the state fair.

I remember years at the Embassy Suites with people hanging on the balcony, overlooking the courtyard chanting for their respective schools. I remember walking into the Cotton Bowl for the game the first time and just taking a moment...the sight of the stadium split down the middle, crimson and burnt orange. I remember being harrassed by texas fans incessantly Friday at the infamous Embassy happy hour...and those same fans coming up on Saturday extolling the strengths of the Oklahoma team. Most of all, though, I remember spending time with friends.

This past weekend, I didn't leave my parent's house the entire weekend. I planned on going to see Mike McClure Band Friday, but just didn't feel up to it. Saturday was more of the same. I spent the time watching college football, Dave Chappelle's Block Party, and having my heart broken by the Astros/Cardinals saga. I also caught an airing of Wait 'Til Next Year: The Saga of the Chicago Cubs on HBO. I loved it! Besides reminding me of my grandpa, the history and the profiles of the Cubs' fans were fascinating. I recommend it to anyone interested in the Cubs, baseball or sports, for that matter.

Chappelle's Block Party was hilarious, as you'd expect. It also introduced me to some new music. I watched the movie with subtitles and read most of the lyrics. Those of Dead Prez were thought-provoking and not the typical rap fare. The reunion of the Fugees was pretty great, as well. Chappelle's interaction with the people of his town in Ohio, the people of Bed-Stuy, and the musicians was great. The film definitely gives you a sense of community that Chappelle concocted. Absolutely worth renting.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Erica said...

The Stros broke my heart too V.
I miss you!! :o)


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