Monday, December 10

monday rush...

It's been fairly busy today, I was hoping the usual Christmas slow-down was here...apparently not.

I've had little time to work on the discovery from Friday, so that will now be pushed to Wednesday afternoon. Tomorrow, I'll be out of town for some hearings on a few motions. Wednesday morning is a wash. I won't be in the office until after lunch.

Jessica and I are going to the acoustic show tonight. I bought the tickets a few weeks ago, and we lucked out - front row, center section. I haven't seen Boland in I don't know how long... I took a look at their pictures from Greenland and can't wait to see him tonight. I've got to remember to buy something for their annual toy drive.

Friday night, we went out to see Reckless. The crowd was pretty good, considering finals are underway. Muzzie was in town with the older boys. He got up and sang on Seven Nights in Eire. I passed on the messages and you should have seen his eyes when I mentioned the previous weekend. LOL

Saturday, Charlie! Stoney was playing down the street, but I couldn't pass up Charlie @ the Blue Light. It had been so long since I'd heard him sing. I've seen him/talked with him plenty of times, but that's not the same. It was a fantastic show, with a GREAT new song. Stephanie was cracking me up with the return of her little chant: Charlie Shafter is what I'm after! HAHAHAHA

I've got nothing this coming weekend...and that's fine with me. I'll watch Superbad a few more times and read.


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