Thursday, February 14

Is this nerdy, or would you go?

Former President Clinton is slated to stop in town for a political rally sometime this weekend if the weather holds. Senator Obama is tentatively slated for the last week of the month. There's been no mention of a stop from John McCain...and, really, why would he? I'll probably try to go to both of the above, if time allows. I've seen the past two governors of Texas, a number of state senators and representatives, the former governor of Oklahoma, and a former Supreme Court Justice speak within the recent past.

Only one of those mentioned occurred during an election year. I find most interesting the speech unrelated to politics; the discussion of the road that led them to their position.

The party association doesn't mean much to me. The parties are one of extremes and I'd say most people fall somewhere in the middle. There's not a single candidate with whom I agree wholeheartedly. The political science nerd in me is curious to see if the nation votes in another Clinton, leading to 24 years under two families.

It's times like these I miss being in class. The discussions had in school were always heated during an election year. People were not shy about sharing their emotions following the 2000 election. I remember staying up until 3 or 4 that night, the networks going back and forth in declaring a winner in key states. The decision of the Supreme Court provided our professors with great teaching material that year.

Reading this back, no need to respond...definite nerd.


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!!! No you arent', V....I was just thinking what a smarty pants you are!!!!

You would make a way cool professor!



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