Wednesday, May 13

I just finished up with the discovery phase of one of my cases, so I'm taking a break this morning. Here's how I've passed the time thus far:

* watched diggnation, the full hour, with the intent to watch only the first 5 minutes...damn kevin rose.

* trolled facebook

* checked movie times (with no intent to see something until next week)

* searched for new books on Amazon (I just finished This One is Mine - drama/comedy - better than most television shows)

* searched for new movies on Netflix to add to the queue (I know I'm 6 months behind, but I just saw Milk. WOW)

* skimmed Twitter

* emailed Jeanne pointless and random links, as usual

* realized I need to pay a visit to OKC, I miss it

* listened to some new mp3s, I'm not on the Passion Pit bandwagon just yet

* caught up on Spencer Tweedy's blog (Yes, Jeff Tweedy's son. His writing belies his age. How cool is it that his dad sang "Forever Young" for him at his Bar Mitzvah?)

I guess I should get to work this afternoon. I'm counting down the hours until the LOST finale, Macon Greyson tomorrow night, and road trip Friday!


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Sara said...

I have the entire season of LOST on my DVR... wonder if I'll ever catch up.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger V said...

You MUST! It has really been good this season.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger ~Becky said...

Where are you Ro-O-ad Tr-IIIIPing to?


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