Tuesday, October 24

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the heads up...

I watched Independent Lens: The World According to Sesame Street on PBS, tonight. The focus was the replication and adaptation of Sesame Street in countries around the world. Who knew it was so difficult to export puppets and education?

The focus was mainly on the production in Bangladesh and Kosovo. The issues the production team from the Sesame Street Workshop in New York had to prepare for were unbelievable. In Bangladesh, they had to account for the class strata and religious factions. In Kosovo, the concern was the Albanian and Serb culture. Both productions were held up due to riots and flare-ups of age-old issues between the cultures. However, in the end, the Bangladesh production Sisimpur did find a home willing to broadcast the program; as did the production in Kosovo.

It has to be a rewarding job, to know that maybe (God willing) your program will help the next generation in understanding the differences between the cultures and realizing they are just that, differences.
I'm hoping for a short nap, now...then it's off to Lucero at Jake's. I'm going to try to take some pictures, but we'll see how that goes. Last time I was there to see Bob Schneider, I took about five because I was too engrossed in the show to take my eyes off the stage.


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