Thursday, November 9

Thank God it's Thursday...

This has been a pretty hectic day. I must have been loopy yesterday, because today I was reviewing some documents I'd drafted and realized there were some things that needed serious editing. There goes the morning...well, it didn't help that Tim posted the damn Beatles tv thing. How many times can one person listen to Hey Jude? Apparently an infinite number, seriously.

This afternoon was crammed with appointments with clients, a little research and clearing some things up with the U.S. District Court as to some recent filings (fun!).

The Blue Light never looked so good.

After some cancellations, it looks like I'll only be in the office for 1/2 a day. Now, I REALLY feel bad for not making the trip to Norman. Obviously, not bad enough to skip the double-header MMC show this weekend. oops. Hopefully, I'll see some of them soon. It's been awhile.


At 12:47 AM, Blogger V said...

You bet, Maureen!


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