Monday, February 5

Brandon, Wade & MMC

Talk about a good weekend. In addition to the great movie, I got to see 3 great shows this weekend. Brandon Rhyder played down in Midland at a restaurant/bar. The show was great, but the sound could have been better. It was nice to see people gradually get into the show. He had them standing at the front of the stage by night's end, singing along.

Wade played in town, but we hit the Irish Pub before heading over to see them. It's different from where I usually go; but they make a great kamikaze. I was also flagged down by Lezli from 1/2 a block away. She and Cole were at the Blue Light and saw me walking down the sidewalk. I'm sorry I missed out on her birthday celebration, but I'm not really into the band that was playing there that night. She's great, though, and completely understood.

We got to Wild West just as Wade and the guys were pulling in. Ended up hanging at the bar with them for a while; making requests and amendments to the setlist. Thank God Wade indulges me. I got to hear 16 Days, Atlantic City, All Over Town and 3 new songs. Brooks said, well you got 16 Days...we don't do that for just anyone. HA, sure you don't. I'm glad they are working on a new cd, the new stuff was great. They had a rough outing the night can be summed up in one word: Amarillo. They seemed to be having a good time for the most part...but the crowd could have been a little more attentive. At one point there was some impromptu dancing by Wade and Casey...hilarious! Anyhow, it was good to see them since I left the Steamboat show early.

Sunday, I did a whole lotta nothing before leaving for the Motorcars' show. We ended up buying margarita mix for the show. Yummy, but I stopped at two. I had to get back last night so I could make it into work this morning. The show was tons of fun and Micky was in a chatty mood. When introducing the guitarist, who has long brown hair, he said, "And on lead guitar, he finally got those hair plugs to take...Joseph Deeb! No, really, this is Darren Locke." He cracked himself up. There was a group of guys celebrating a 21st say they were enthusiastic would be an understatement. Definition of man-crush. They ended right about midnight; we stuck around long enough to talk with them and hear about the wedding they played in Santa Fe the day before. They're definitely one of my favorites...all-around.


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