Thursday, March 22

my nightmare...

Water Privatization

I have to confess that I was around eight or nine years old when I started hearing about the greenhouse effect, global warming and environmental causes in general. Do you know how scary those concepts can be to kids? Anyway, I digress, one of the issues that always stuck with me was the availability (or lack thereof) of drinking water. I know...weird child, still am. Living up here, where there's not an abundance of water, I became aware of what a shortage of rainfall can mean to this part of the state. I always told my dad that we seriously needed to consider a move...based on water availability.

Anyway, today I ran across this series investigating the effects of corporations buying water rights around the globe. The prospect of this natural resource being horded by these corporations scares me like no other. Overreaction? Probably... I understand that the front-end promises they make are beneficial to the growing communities. However, I'm not naive enough to believe those benefits/promises will remain when the sought after resource becomes more and more scarce.


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