Monday, July 2

I'm sure we've all felt this way at some point...

If you haven't, I'm sorry.

I can't say that it was an artist on the level of Paul McCartney. I can't even imagine...but I know I've been in the midst of a show, thinking I never want it to come to an end.

This Lefsetz Letter sums up that feeling.


Tomorrow night, I'll be at another show. I'm hoping that I'll enjoy it as much as the first, that it won't be like all the rest... The next day, I'm hoping to head North for OKC to see some more music. I'd almost talked myself out of making the trip, but McClure is there. He's absolutely one of those artists that makes you feel like you never want to leave.


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I love that article. I've had that feeling a few times, and it is magical! He describes it so well.

And I am jealous of your next two days. Very jealous!


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