Tuesday, December 18

in need of a nap and some eye drops...

I was fully expecting today to be the day I free my desk of all files and get out of here early. No such luck. It's been one thing after another...not only have I not cleared my desk, there are three new ones to deal with. Friday feels like it's ages away.

I stayed up late last night after falling asleep at 7...woke at ten, up until 4:30. Great sleep pattern sure to follow...

My eyes are worn out from reading all morning, well the lack of sleep isn't helping matters. I've been reading about criminal procedure for the past two or three hours and working in a few breaks for some relief. I may head to the library just to get away from the office in a bit. If I can manage until four o'clock, I'm calling it a day.

Before heading into the office this morning, I read Popwatch and someone linked to The Weasel McPuppy Letters...oh my goodness, I'm not sure if they're funny to a fully-rested person, but I found the letters hilarious.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Those letters ARE funny!!!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger V said...

I think my favorite response was Robin Williams'.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Weasel McPuppy said...

Dear V,

Thank you for the link and for the kind words. It's very encouraging to hear compliments from people I don't know personally.

Your friend,
Weasel McPuppy

P.S. - If you hurry, you could create the very first Weasel McPuppy fansite. Opportunity knocks!

At 11:34 PM, Blogger V said...



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