A lot of things have happened, here's a quick rundown:
* My mom's recovery is coming along well (one trip to the ER later)
* I'm going through a hectic time at work. I'll have nothing to do for an hour or so and then there's a flurry of activity. I can't say I like it. I'm such a research and writing person. Translation - not exactly thrilled when my afternoon turns into family hour. People (parents) don't understand that I'm not beholden to them when their adult offspring hire the office. I don't care what YOU want...I answer to your child.
* The Hangover - hilarious. Go see it. Go just to see Bradley Cooper if you have no interest in bawdy comedies. LOL
* This week sealed the deal on my fate regarding remaining at this office. I will go crazy if I'm here much longer. It's not the caseload, it's not the's something that will not be changing. I know that, so I need to make a change.
*I have one more stinking brief due tomorrow by closing time. I'm actually happy with my progress on it at this time. I only have to polish the argument and it will be ready to file. This is a MUCH better feeling than last week.
* Season 5 of Weeds started up again this weekend. The first episode was good. I missed Andy, Silas and Shane. (Nancy? Not so much.)
* I've read two books in the last 2 weeks: Replay and Paranoid Park. I enjoyed both of them. Paranoid Park was a fast read. Replay was intriguing. I'd recommend both.
* No Sake of the Song Fest for me this weekend. I'm sorry that, apparently, I'm missing everybody and their dog. It just didn't work out. I get a great weekend here, though: Charlie on Friday and MMC on Saturday.
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