Wednesday, November 15

wasted wednesday...

Today was the first in a while that I wasn't running back and forth to the courthouse or holed up in my office doing some research. How did I use my time? Ineffectively. I talked with a few attorneys re: court dates, made a run to the federal courthouse and that's about it. Looks like the rest of the week will be just as quiet. At least we're only open until noon, next Tuesday.

I want to throw a party, Friday. We are wrapping up two of the ugliest divorce cases we've handled. I cannot wait to get the file out of my office and into the closed file cabinet! Here's hoping the parties don't change their mind and back out of the mediated settlements...fingers crossed.

I just found out about "Drew Bledsoe's Blog," today. OMG, that is funny stuff.

The winds were down to 7 mph and now it's eerily quiet outside. Last night, I was sure the house was going to blow over.

I missed the finale of Laguna Beach! This season was pretty boring, but I couldn't stop watching. How would Tessa belittle herself for a guy, this week? Would Cami buy a shirt that covers up her chest? How long before Kyndra and Cami kill each other? "Best friends?" It didn't even seem as if they liked each other. WHAT is every girl's fascination with Cameron? I so didn't get that one...still don't. How did Chase's band get signed with a major record label? That's quite a leap, playing a basement bday party to having the $ of a record label behind you.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I've got it on Tivo! :D and I watched it on my new TV! HA!

I'm glad I could addict you to Lagune again this season! ;)


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