Thursday, November 23

Wednesday night laughs...

Last night was a reunion of sorts. For a period of time, Manuel (my roommate), Andrew (my brother-in-law) and Ben (essentially my brother) were inseparable. Ben was home for Thanksgiving break (he's currently in dental school), Andrew and Monica weren't busy, so we decided to have them over to play poker. I haven't laughed so much, for such a long period of time in a LONG time. I forgot how funny Ben is when he's mocking Manuel. I forgot how much of a smart-ass Andrew can be when talking with Ben. I don't think we've all been in the same room since Ben & Tara's wedding. Monica and I laughed the entire night.

At one point in the night, I felt sorry for the other people because we were neglecting them. They don't care what was going on with us six or seven years ago. They don't know what's so funny about Ben's taste in music, our parents or house parties gone wrong. At one point, Andrew said, "I can't believe how stupid we are when we're all in the same room. I can't wait for Ben to move back." HA HA

The chair dancing was superb, as were the drinks and stories...can't wait for Christmas.

MUST DO THIS WEEKEND: Buy tickets for the Nutcracker and the LAW & Friends show.


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