Monday, February 12

Movies and mayhem...

One of the local theaters finally starting showing Notes On A Scandal. I went immediately after work Friday to catch the show. I loved it...Judi Dench plays a fuh-reak! Next, I hope to see The Last King of Scotland. I've been in a movie-going mood lately.

A blog was brought to my attention recently that a past acquaintance has been writing on Myspace. Oh. My. Gosh. She's stark-raving mad. I don't know why I'm amazed anymore at what she says or does. Just when I think my distaste for her could grow no more...ta-dah! It does. She's spitting in the face of everyone that has been civil to her in the past; and is, inadvertently or not, hurting those that helped her out. Her opinions on feminism make my stomach turn.
I am still mad at "the women who came before [me] and paved the way for my professional career". Seriously, I hardly call that a favor. I do; however, have a job that I love and wouldn't trade it for anything...except staying home, dropping off dry cleaning, running errands, etc. I am a terrible cook, but a great organizer and planner. I love, love, love to plan events and often entertain my friends and family with all the things I don't know (for the record, Tsunami totally sounds like the name of a country).

I'm ashamed to say she graduated from the same law school I did. However, from the first day we met, I knew her intention was to land a guy that came from a wealthy family...she made no secret about this. The stories these guys tell about her failed attempts make me laugh to no end. Pile all this on a heap of crazy and you'll begin to understand this girl somewhat...

I usually try to just take everything she says with a grain of salt, or at least avoid running into her. However, she somehow makes it impossible to avoid any contact. Just last week, I found in my inbox an email from her. I couldn't delete it fast enough.

Anyhow, off the crazy train...does anyone remember that John Michael Montgomery song, I Love the Way You Love Me? Random, it's on the office radio right now. I'd completely forgotten about it.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Sara said...

"I love the way you love me" was my 8th grade boyfriend and my song. *barf*

At 11:17 PM, Blogger V said...



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