Wednesday, May 16


What makes you decide to write someone off? Is there one thing that you just can't deal with in another person? I've been thinking about this the past week due to a conversation I had at the office with some co-workers. If another person truly believes in something that is in complete opposition of your viewpoint, is that when you write them off? I'm not talking about who's your favorite Beatle or anything trivial like that...but the main things, you know the core things you hold dear.

In writing someone off, I'm not insinuating that you treat them differently or bear any ill-will. I just mean you know you'd never be more than an acquaintance of that person as a result of the conflicting beliefs.

Just something floating around in my head...


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I think it depends on the level of your relationship with the person. If it's a lifetime friend, you may just decide that topic is not up for discussion anymore.. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can't be friends. I don't know.. I think there is a time when you have to write someone off.. and maybe it is due to a core belief difference. Maybe if it changes the way you think about them..

Good question!!


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