Wednesday, July 18

How early is too early to begin shopping for Christmas? I found these toys that I think my nieces would like, but then I'm left with where to store them until December... I've spent way too much time in the toy stores lately. I've been looking for gifts for baby showers/birthday parties.


Bad news regarding that show at Woody's. Either I have a problem reading schedules or the dates have been changed, because now the calendar lists the date as September 7th. : ( It would have been so much easier if it were the 1st.


Now I'm off to the law library for some last minute checks on procedure before submitting some things tomorrow night ahead.


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I can never shop for Christmas presents before December because I either A) hide the presents somewhere in the house and then forget about them come December and buy something else on TOP of what I already bought, only to find the things I bought earlier AFTER Christmas, or B) the kids end up having what I got them before Christmas ever gets here. So, I'm a last two weeks before Christmas shopper. Luckily I don't have that much to buy anyway, and most of it I have to ship anyway, so internet shopping is my friend!

At 8:32 PM, Blogger V said...

This is my problem... I'm pretty sure I'd break down and give the presents early and be left, as usual, shopping in the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas.

Plus, yesterday I was at Toys 'R' Us and found somethings on clearance...I had no reason to buy them, yet walked out with it anyway.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Sara said...

you can ALWAYS find a place to hide stuff. In the cabinet with the pots and pans if no where else! Poo on the show not on the 1st, but the 7th just may be do-able too!


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