Monday, July 23

HP ruled my weekend...

I'm so set for a little time away this coming weekend. I'll be heading to OKC for a baby shower and to see some friends.

This past weekend was consumed by Harry Potter...movies and the book. I'm unable to switch off a Harry Potter movie, no matter the amount of times I've seen it before (that day, even). I think my sister, nieces, mom and dad all watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at least twice this weekend. I got the book early and have read it in small bits at a time. I'm still only half way through with the book, but am already aware of what's going to happen. It doesn't ruin anything for me, the picture painted by the words is what I enjoy.

I took a break from the Potter mania and watched a documentary recommended to me by a friend about a year ago, Jesus Camp. I have no words as to how dumbstruck I was left by this movie. I highly recommend it, regardless of your view on religion. I found the statements by some of the adults in the films abhorrent. One of them actually said children are so usable, (UGH) then later went on to state that they were building an army of Christian warriors. I may be in the minority, but that's creepy to me. Anyway, check out the documentary if you get the chance. My sisters got to live through the experience by receiving incredulous text messages from me while I watched the film. I still can't quite believe everything I saw.

I'm still watching John from Cincinnati and Flight of the Conchords. John from Cincinnati is foreshadowing the end for Shaun, and I'm not happy about that. FotC continues to make me laugh. Entourage was a little better this week, the story focused more on Ari and Lloyd, which I've been missing.


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm done with John from Cinn.! I watched thru episode 5, too weird, nothing coming together for me, it just gets more obscure each week for me rather than starting to make ANY sense!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger V said...

No? I'm trying to remember what episode he did the monologue in the parking lot... I can't stop watching, which is probably a sure-fire way for it to get the ax after this season.


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