Thursday, July 26


Anyone watching Mad Men on AMC? They aired the 2nd episode tonight, "Ladies Room." It's not like anything I've watched lately. I enjoy it. Here's the synopsis from AMC:

What you are, what you want, what you love doesn't matter. It's all about how you sell it. From AMC and the Emmy® Award-winning executive producer and writer of "The Sopranos" Matthew Weiner, comes MAD MEN, a provocative new primetime drama about how to sell the truth. Set in 1960 New York, the daring new series is about the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising, an ego-driven world where key players make an art of the sell while their private world gets sold.

It airs Thursdays at 9. I'm pretty sure they rerun it a few times during the week.

Completely unrelated, I've had a spasm affecting my left pinky the entire day. It's driving me crazy. I think it's due to a lack of sleep, since my right eye's also been twitching. I'll try to get to bed a little earlier tonight and hope it's still not affecting me tomorrow.


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

it's a magnesium deficiency... it get REALLY annoying... so eat something high in magnesium (???) and it should disappear :)

my friend tracy is a pharm. tech, and diagnosed mine when it was happening to me...


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