Friday, February 22

change of plans

It looks like I will be seeing Mike McClure this weekend. Following phone calls, unexpected schedule changes and an exchange of emails, it looks like I will not be making the trip to OKC this weekend. I'm sure I'll be there within the next week or two. So long as I'm there before the 22nd of next month, all's well.

My sister's in Chicago right now for a conference. I keep getting random text messages like: at DePaul U, eating at Gino's, getting ready for the Bulls game... I'm completely jealous, but not so much of the 15 degree weather. While she was in the planning stages of the trip, I told her she NEEDED to make her way to the Dierks show tonight and then make her way to Stoney's after-party. I know there's not a chance in the world she'll go.

I was watching Starter for 10 a few weeks ago and was struck by how much James McAvoy reminds me of Gregory Smith (or maybe that's just my way of coping with the early cancellation of Everwood). I still haven't seen Atonement, and probably won't until it's released on DVD...but I really like him. Whether it's in Band of Brothers, Wimbledon, Shakespeare Re-Told: Macbeth, Becoming Jane or even The Chronicles of Narnia...

Oscars this weekend...I still miss the parties with Jeanne, Rick and Mark. Best comments ever. We sure did find a lot of ways to put off studying during law school.


At 8:41 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Thank you for my call on Friday! I listened to my voicemail before I knew who called and I said, "That's Mac! V went afterall!"

At 11:35 PM, Blogger V said...

I'm so glad I did! It was a GREAT show and we had a great time. Mac was in top form.


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