Wednesday, September 24

fighting sleep...

I've been waking up earlier than usual this week, and been fighting to stay awake later to finish up some things to prep for next week. I think I finished all the big things today, thank goodness.

The trial next week is going to be harrowing. Thank goodness I am not the lead. I just did the majority of the grunt work. Even that left a bad taste in my mouth. I hate the case. I hate the hours upon hours I've spent listening to police interviews; reviewing medical records; looking at photographs; comparing x-rays and CT scans. I wish I could delete it from my memory.

Right now, I'm watching Letterman lay into John McCain. What were they thinking? Ouch...

Tomorrow night: Miss Lauryn has her first school recital, so that's what my Thurs night holds

Jessica is trying to talk me into a trip to ATX... Problem: I have no ACL passes, and really no desire to go, other than to see Bingham and the Foo Fighters. Yes, Shooter's in that's a plus. However, I don't think it's going to happen. I have to get back to Oklahoma...and next weekend it's calling my name. :)


At 9:17 AM, Blogger suzy said...

I have a friend selling her weekend pass...and there are plenty listed on craigslist. Shooter is in town. Randy is at Cheatham Sunday night. Oh, and your sisters are here. Need more reasons?

At 9:31 AM, Blogger V said...

LOL - Somehow I knew there was a solution to the no pass thing...I looked last night on craigslist, too.

1. There is no way I could stay for Randy Sunday...not if I'm skipping out next Friday to go to OKC (to see Randy).

2. I feel like I just got back home...and it's Thursday!

3. 3 weekends on the road for 6+ hour drive might be a little much for me.

4. That just means I'll have to pick another weekend to see my sisters.

OH - Jess and her sister may be going to Cheatham Sunday. Maybe you'll see them there.


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