Thursday, October 9

With the election less than 30 days away and many calling the election already, I start getting uneasy. This isn't due to what pundits are shouting or any late-breaking news. It's the thought in the back of my mind... You know that for all the support candidates receive leading up to Election Day, the percentage of people who actually show up to exercise their right to vote is going to be lower than you think it will. I don't understand it. I can't wrap my brain around letting others have a say in your life (to whatever degree), while you stand aside. Regardless of which candidate or party you support, I hope you make a visit to your polling place on Nov. 4th.

The courting of the young vote has been more apparent this time around. I think it's all fine and dandy that there are more young people registered to vote in this election...blah, blah, blah. However, what good is it to be registered if you don't actually show up to vote?

I was watching the Late Late Show earlier this week and Craig Ferguson had an outstanding monologue regarding this subject. The entire segment was great, but FFWD to 6:25 if you're interested in hearing his thoughts on the subject. To hear someone like Ferguson, a new citizen to the United States, speak about the power of voting is something you'd hope every person learns in a basic civics/government class.


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