Tuesday, November 11


The courthouses in all the surrounding counties are closed. This leaves me little to do today. I'm hoping D comes into my office and says we're closing it up early today.

* I think I f'ed up my knee again a few weeks ago. I was playing Wii with Lauryn last night. The side to side moves during tennis were when I'd feel the twinge most. (I beat her soundly, by the way... Who cares if she's just 5? Hahaha)

* I've spent the morning on Deadspin and reading articles from The Washington Post. This one in particular: A Butler Well Served by This Election.
Busy, busy, busy...

* I've also done some searching for Christmas gifts for the family. I found an awesome game that I almost *have* to buy for my nieces...so what if my sister and I will like it just as much?

* I'm hoping to get out to see Owen Temple at the Blue Light Thursday. I know the last time I saw him, he was at a show and I got a chance to talk with him. It's been too long since I've heard him sing.

* Friday, I think Brandon Rhyder's in town...it might be Saturday. Either way, I'll be there.

Text from President Bush's Veterans Day Proclamation:
On Veterans Day, we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of the men and women who in defense of our freedom have bravely worn the uniform of the United States.

From the fields and forests of war-torn Europe to the jungles of Southeast Asia, from the deserts of Iraq to the mountains of Afghanistan, brave patriots have protected our Nation's ideals, rescued millions from tyranny, and helped spread freedom around the globe. America's veterans answered the call when asked to protect our Nation from some of the most brutal and ruthless tyrants, terrorists, and militaries the world has ever known. They stood tall in the face of grave danger and enabled our Nation to become the greatest force for freedom in human history. Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard have answered a high calling to serve and have helped secure America at every turn.

Our country is forever indebted to our veterans for their quiet courage and exemplary service. We also remember and honor those who laid down their lives in freedom's defense. These brave men and women made the ultimate sacrifice for our benefit. On Veterans Day, we remember these heroes for their valor, their loyalty, and their dedication. Their selfless sacrifices continue to inspire us today as we work to advance peace and extend freedom around the world.


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