Oh, man. If you came here looking for great pictures of the trip to Steamboat, you're out of luck. I took *maybe* 30 pictures while I was there. I just enjoyed spending time with everyone and never really had the inclination to take many pictures. I know I was in pictures with other people, but I didn't really take any non-show pics besides a wayward trip home one night with Vegas...
I've decided that I can dish out the money to go to Steamboat and never set foot in the tent, and still leave happy. Allow me to qualify that. I loved seeing Stoney's show. He was ON. Bingham was great, too. I'd say the same for RRB, for the few songs I stayed at the tent to hear. RK was icing on the cake. I wasn't expecting to see them play while I was there. They were scheduled to play the extended set only. Thank goodness there was a change, and they were added to the last day of the festival. All that being said, as much as I loved the performances, I hated the setting. The location, the sound, the crowd...too much. I'm spoiled living in this relatively small city.
I'll post highlights later on...right now, I'm doped up, fighting my souvenir sinus infection.
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