Sunday, December 6

Last week I lost every single file on my ipod. Freak out moment. I got a small ray of hope when I opened the ipod through My Computer and saw all the files there, but they just would not show up when connected to itunes. Then and there, I decided to copy from the ipod drive to my laptop and then transfer back. Sounds like a simple process... Wrong.
I have spent every night since transferring files off the ipod drive onto to the laptop and back into itunes. Not only was this incredibly tedious and slow going, but it was also a waste of time. Some of the files would not move because I didn't have "approval" to play them on my computer. What? I bought it... Some files would show on my ipod, and show the track time, title, artist, album and not play. Today, I did a complete restoration. I wiped everything down and started from scratch. I now have 10.46 GB on my ipod. Yeah. I had 74.3 prior to the crash. I imagine it will only take all my free time for the remainder of the month to move my files back over from my external drive. Fun stuff...

I'd much rather look forward to what the rest of the month holds: possibly MMC @ Woody's this coming weekend, OKC the following Wednesday for a mini-break before Christmas with a side trip to Ft Worth for some Randy (shocking!) and Eady

I've been swamped at work with writing deadlines and an unexpected Federal case that is eating up every free minute I think I'll enjoy. All that reading at work has diminished my time to read outside the office. I hate that. I also have seen only one movie in the last month...ridiculous. New Moon, if you're wondering. I wasn't really a fan. I would have much rather seen Fantastic Mr. Fox. I cannot wait for Up in the Air or Invictus. I still have yet to see Pirate Radio! 27 days until I get a full week from here...I'll get some reading done and get to spend some time with friends I rarely get to see. I'm ready to go now.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger sarah said...

i know it's just another to add to the list, but you should most definitely go see brothers. i didn't think i'd like ot much - but tobey maguire and the little girl in that were wonderful - very powerful acting.

and jake gyllenhaal was pretty for the.entire.thing.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Carissa said...

I hope you find what you lost...when I lose music files due to a blue screen I spend loads (of time) trying to get it all back.


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