Sunday, November 26


I am glad this past week's over. Wow. We went out/had people over every night. It will by no means be a slow week coming up, but at least Tues and Wed nights are free.

This year, my sister and I were one of 'those people.' She came by the house at 5:30 to hit Target for an armload of video games and a few toys for the kids in the family. The line to get in the store was obscene. We camped in the car until we saw the tail end of the line, which had been wrapped around the corner of the building. I have no idea what the 'must-have' item was this year. Apparently, it was in the electronics department, because foot traffic was at a standstill. We got out of there in about 20 mins and I went back to bed. I woke just in time for the kickoff of the A&M/Texas game. Happy Holidays to OU fans! I haven't been so engrossed in that game since I was a junior in high school.

I'm trying to remember what took place that night. I know there was some drinking before going out, and we ended up back at our house with a few more people than we started out with. I don't remember every place we hit. My Blue Light was closed for the weekend, so I agreed to venture to other places like Crickets, the Irish Pub, Library and I want to say Cujo's. I do know the night was capped off with a late night run to Wally World and an even later night game of Cranium.

Saturday, my goal was to lay low and watch the OU/OSU and Notre Dame/USC games. Didn't actually happen... I got to see the first quarter of the OU game before being reminded of a family function. You know I was getting text msgs from my OU friends whenever something good/bad took place. I got home just in time to see the last 4 mins of the game. I couldn't bear to watch some of the last plays, when OSU had possession. Five seconds have never ticked by so slowly. The ND/USC game turned into a bust. I really thought Brady Quinn was going to lead them to a win.

The Christmas tree and lights were put up. Christmas ornaments painted, lists made and the funniest rendition of God Bless America I've ever heard. I spent that night with some cousins drinking margaritas and playing games. Lots of fun, and a good way to wrap up the weekend.

I'm looking forward to:
Mon: Charlie Shafter open mic night
Thu: Charlie Shafter Band
Fri: Reckless Kelly
Sat: Ryan Turner Band

I'll get some rest the next week.


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