Monday, August 6

short week

Yesterday was a bit of a hectic end to my trip to Houston. I just made the gate in time for the flight before boarding. Then, the rain started. We sat on the runway for at least 45 mins. I fell asleep at some point and woke when we started the descent into Austin. There was another minor delay, and I got home about an hour later than planned.

The weekend was good. It's always great to see Heather, and her new place is awesome. We hit the Armadillo Palace for Mancy and the Firehouse to see Keith Davis. Saturday, we were ambitious and made it to a matinée showing of The Bourne Ultimatum before Meg's shower. The movie was great, probably my favorite of all three. The shaky camera work got to me at some points, however. I found it hard to see what was actually happening due to the movement. This could have been due to the fact that we ended up in the 2nd row though. Overall, it was a great action movie.

The movie ran a little longer than we thought, so we were late to the shower. It was great seeing everyone that I usually get to see only once or twice a year. Allison served these lil' smokies that I'm sure could become as addictive as any controlled substance. Meg looked fantastic and seemed to feel everything given to baby Addison. I was ready for a power nap following the shower before heading to the Firehouse to see Wade.

Back at the office, I'm still viewing/listening to surveillance. I hope to end up summarizing everything tomorrow and be done with it. It's looking to be a slow two days until I'll finally be heading to Idaho.


At 3:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know I told you on Sat, but it was REALLY good seeing you!!

Have fun in Idaho!


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