Tuesday, October 23


Question: Did you know you can actually smell pneumonia?

I never knew that. I've been listening to a backlog of "This American Life" podcasts the past day or so, and I've learned many other useless tidbits:

For example:

There is a hierarchy to balloon-animal artists;

You can be deemed a "sell-out" as a balloon-animal artist;

The drone of your office machinery may affect your mood;

I am lucky to know my parents now and not have to piece together what they may have been through bits of information like songs they've written/music they've played/art they've created;

We are living in a time when more than 99.9 percent of all the maps that have ever existed have been made (this makes sense when you think of all the topographical maps/weather maps/oceanic charts...)

Every summer there's a group of people that traverse NYC's sidewalks to map every crack/off-kilter pavement/pothole/crater in the city (brought to you by a group of attorneys...b/c if you are injured on the sidewalk in the city, you cannot file suit unless the city had prior notification of the problem with the sidewalk)

I had an entertaining morning in the courtroom. I had to sit through some pre-trial hearings, waiting on a client to show. The back and forth between one particular attorney and the judge was hilarious, and I could have watched it all day. The looks on the face of the ADA were priceless.


I watched Ugly Betty online Sunday afternoon, and I was pleasantly surprised to see John Cho make an appearance (if only for a few seconds). He cracks me up, and I hope his "Kenny" becomes a recurring character.

I re-read the first two HP books this weekend, watched OU eke out a win, and the Tech debacle. I shook everything that was bothering me but the cough/scratchy voice. With any luck, it will be gone soon. Much better.

I purchased a space heater for my office yesterday...it was FREEZING in here yesterday. The rest of the office has yet to register the temperature change, I guess.

Note to self: set DVR for Independent Lens next Sunday


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