Monday, September 17

I couldn't sleep longer than two consecutive hours last night. I am dragging this morning. If it weren't for some discovery due this week, I'd write off this afternoon.

Friday night was a real eye-opener. I went to see Ben play at Jake's. Who knew cover bands drew crowds like that? No joke, they outdrew RK...on a good night. There were quite a few people at the show that I knew. I spent the majority of the time the dancing, outfits, and the crowd reaction to the song selection.

Saturday, I went to a birthday party for my 9 year-old cousin and spent some time with the family afterwards. Then, I headed to see Wade @ the Courtyard. I LOVED the outdoor setting. The weather, people and size were ideal. Although, next time I may just go to Bleacher's and sit on the south side balcony to watch the show. The crowd (which I'd been dreading) was great, responsive, and singing along with every word.

Yesterday, I caught up on some reading and tuned in again to Tell Me You Love Me and Curb Your Enthusiasm...this time it was the West coast feed. TMYLM reinforced my initial feelings, it's still sad, and kinda hard to watch. Curb...still hilarious. I was too busy watching AMC's 7 Nights of Hitchcock to switch over earlier in the night. The series started off with a Grace Kelly double-feature, Rear Window (one of my favorites) and then Dial M for Murder.

This week, I'm going to try to make it to the following:

Tonight - Charlie
Tuesday - BJS
Wednesday - Jason Boland & the Stragglers
Friday - The Ryans
Saturday - Cross Canadian Ragweed


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