Friday, March 14

continually amazed...

It never fails, I am always dumbfounded by what people don't know. I'm not talking about history/math/lit stuff. I'm talking about everyday things.

HOW do you get to be in your late thirties and not know basic things? I do mean deposits/withdrawals to a checking account. Am I wrong, don't most people know the ins and outs of having a checking account?

Anyway, Friday has never been so welcome. I had a solid fourteen hour day, yesterday. Mediation is fun! I wanted to just stand up at one point (1 1/2 hours in) and say "Put a piece of paper in front of me. I'll sign it!" We had reached an agreement almost immediately after opening statements. That's not how it works, though. We had to wait (and wait, and wait some more) for the other party involved to reach some sort of resolution regarding matters that didn't concern us in any way, shape, or form.

It was hard to listen to the other 2 parties, essentially, gang up on the other party. She had an attorney present, so at least she had someone working in her best interests. Yet, I find it hard to believe that an hour after walking out, she could rest easily with the agreement reached. Little missteps along the way never seem to mean much, until someone that's been keeping tabs tallies them all up for you.

Not much going on here...I'll go see Charlie tonight, Manuel's birthday celebration tomorrow night and not much else...but college basketball. :)


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