Monday, February 8

I'm currently reading: The Girl Who Fell From the Sky - Heidi Durrow

Just finished reading: Wicked Lovely - Melissa Marr

Before that: Juliet, Naked - Nick Hornby

I'd recommend all three. Thus far, the first is heartbreaking... I'm about halfway through it. Wicked Lovely was a mix of fairy tales/folklore and the struggle of a teenage girl. It was interesting. Juliet, Naked was fantastic. I'm in the tank for Nick Hornby, take that for what it's worth. I like all his books.

I've gone on a bit of a movie tear lately, too. I've seen Up in the Air, It's Complicated, Julie & Julia, Paper Heart, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Youth in Revolt, Nothing Like the Holidays and a few more whose names elude me at the moment. I enjoyed all of them with the exception of was just too slow with not much of a story (or not much of a story that interested me).

Wednesday, January 13

The only answer is I've been brainwashed...

No joke - I've listened to "Somewhere Beautiful" at least 100 times today. What the heck is going on? I was hoping posting that link on FB would curb the "need" to hear the song...not so much.

Steamboat was a great time. I went in a little wary. It was going to be different without a lot of the regular roommates/friends. It made me realize that I can go alone and still know about every 4th person I see. LOL

Definite highlight of the week for me: Wade covering "I May Hate Myself In The Morning" with Watkins and CodyB backing him up vocally and on twin fiddles. Wade KILLED it.

Other high points:
* Jack being Jack at the outdoor show (plus - CASEY! lol)
* WillyB and Jamie singing an outstanding cover of Mendocino County Line
* Sean McConnell (brainwasher) & Todd Snider
* MMC - couldn't ask for a better set list
* JT&NL and Band of Heathens at Bear River...I don't think I moved the entire time from my spot
* Walt Wilkins/Jason Eady show to close out the week of music...just the best
* Road conditions were perfect - you couldn't ask for better driving conditions

It was fun to hang out with everyone from years past and meet some new people. I took pictures, but who knows when they'll see the light of day. I held true to my decision to not go see Randy or Ragweed. There were just too many good options at the same time. I went to the tent a total of two times...both worth the trip. As Amber and I drove back we were already talking about next year...

Don't you know that there's more beyond these dead skies and all these filthy streets? Oh, take my hand, let me pull you out of the blindness of your weary soul to somewhere beautiful...

Tuesday, December 29

I leave for Steamboat Saturday afternoon, and I am not ready in any form or fashion. The only thing I know I have are my YAKTRAX. At least I know my chances of falling down on the ice/packed snow are slim. We're driving in on Sunday morning, but heading out to see RRB/Ragweed/JTNL Saturday at Azteca Music Hall. That name makes it sound like a grand It's actually a big hangar with a stage set up on one end and a big concrete floor. There are some chairs dispersed throughout the venue...but I'm not sure if that's only for certain shows. should be a great show to kickoff the week and it will keep me from feeling bad about skipping RRB's and Ragweed's shows in the Big Tent at Steamboat. I think I lasted 4 songs into RRB's set last year before bolting. I just hate. the. tent.

I just remembered another thing I've done to prepare for the trip. I've checked the weather conditions for the days we'll be driving to Denver and to Steamboat. Luckily, right now, the forecasts call for sunny skies. I drove into Denver last year in the midst of a snowstorm. It was not fun. It took ninety minutes to get from the Denver city limits to my hotel.

Downside of going to Steamboat - I am missing the Avett Bros show at the Granada on January 3rd

Other than that, I'm curious to see how this year plays out. I'll miss seeing a lot of familiar faces that for one reason or another will not be on the mountain this year.

Sunday, December 6

Last week I lost every single file on my ipod. Freak out moment. I got a small ray of hope when I opened the ipod through My Computer and saw all the files there, but they just would not show up when connected to itunes. Then and there, I decided to copy from the ipod drive to my laptop and then transfer back. Sounds like a simple process... Wrong.
I have spent every night since transferring files off the ipod drive onto to the laptop and back into itunes. Not only was this incredibly tedious and slow going, but it was also a waste of time. Some of the files would not move because I didn't have "approval" to play them on my computer. What? I bought it... Some files would show on my ipod, and show the track time, title, artist, album and not play. Today, I did a complete restoration. I wiped everything down and started from scratch. I now have 10.46 GB on my ipod. Yeah. I had 74.3 prior to the crash. I imagine it will only take all my free time for the remainder of the month to move my files back over from my external drive. Fun stuff...

I'd much rather look forward to what the rest of the month holds: possibly MMC @ Woody's this coming weekend, OKC the following Wednesday for a mini-break before Christmas with a side trip to Ft Worth for some Randy (shocking!) and Eady

I've been swamped at work with writing deadlines and an unexpected Federal case that is eating up every free minute I think I'll enjoy. All that reading at work has diminished my time to read outside the office. I hate that. I also have seen only one movie in the last month...ridiculous. New Moon, if you're wondering. I wasn't really a fan. I would have much rather seen Fantastic Mr. Fox. I cannot wait for Up in the Air or Invictus. I still have yet to see Pirate Radio! 27 days until I get a full week from here...I'll get some reading done and get to spend some time with friends I rarely get to see. I'm ready to go now.

Friday, November 6

hey blogger...

Let's hit the lowlights since I last blogged:

* My debit card number was apparently swiped by someone. There's nothing like waking up to find unauthorized charges on your account. The investigation just wrapped up yesterday, and my account was reimbursed. Thank you.

* A wreck to start off the day...I highly recommend it! The damage wasn't bad, I still haven't taken it in to be repaired. Thank goodness it was a minor fender-bender.

* Another recommendation: Get really intoxicated and drive 6.5 hours the next day! I must say, though...I am happy I didn't choose to fly. It would have been B-R-U-T-A-L.

* I would come in tomorrow afternoon if I were allowed to sleep in this morning. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed at the BL until closing time?

If you're a fan of Kathy Griffin, her book, Official Book Club Selection, is a must-read.

Steamboat - Paid. In. Full. Initially, I was okay with not going. Now, I'm looking forward to it. The Bear River shows are what pull me back. I just need to get some new YakTrax, since mine bit the dust on the last day this past year.

Has anyone seen Paranormal Activity? Stephanie recommended it. Maybe this weekend...

Thursday, October 8

Yesterday was an entirely wasted afternoon. I spent 4+ hours reviewing interrogations and counseling sessions. Today, guess what? A plea offer you dream of... Notes - trashed...time - wasted.

Listening to and watching the dvds was brutal. Then, I began to feel disgusted with the tone of voice the authority figures were using. I was intrigued, however, with the reaction of all involved. I can imagine, on one hand, that has to be a phone call you dread receiving...yet, the reaction was hilarious. (p.s. this was no life/death situation) The resulting revelations were frustrating and, at times, sad. Someone dropped the ball, but placing blame isn't that easy...


Sorry I subjected you to the above, I didn't want the day to be a complete waste.
Quick recommendations:

TV: Modern Family - if you haven't been watching, catch up online
Parks & Recreation - I admit I was ready to ditch this show, but it has been hilarious this season

Movies: If you get a chance to see the Toy Story double feature, GO! The 3D may be pure novelty, but I loved it. Next up, I must see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Books: Lush Life
House of Night series - these were recommended by the two Jamies. It's another vampire series. This one is set in Tulsa, OK.

Thursday, October 1


Lots of driving and laughing last weekend during a trip to Oklahoma. First up was Miami, followed by Family Jam and the after-party with MMC.

We may have been a little to overzealous Friday... We missed the first 4.5 hours of Family Jam. Oops. LOL

Miami wore me out. It was a fun show and good times. It was one of those shows that we got to spend a little downtime before and after, since it began at 8 and ended around 10. The casino didn't have free drinks, but $1.25 is nothing to sneeze at for a beer. Checkout came MUCH too early. We got sidetracked in Tulsa, and showed up in OKC in time for an early dinner. Iron Starr...mmmmmm. I also got Jamie and Tracy to go along with us, so that was a bonus.

We got to Family Jam just in time to see McClure. Perfect. Also, the sun was just setting, even better! Tesla was an experience. Ragweed was great. I always think I can do without their live shows, and then wonder how I go the entire year only seeing them 2 or 3 times.

We raced downtown to see Micky after the show. That was worth the trip alone. They're one of my favorites, hands down. Stoney joined them for much of the end of their set. That meant lots of good, classic covers. I loved it.

Sunday, I spent a lot of time with the Jamies. I also got to spend some time in Norman. I plan to get back in November.

This week at work has been focused on blood and denial of medical treatment. What fun! I'm ready to go see the Toy Story/Toy Story 2 double feature tomorrow.