Wednesday, January 30

I have no idea what possessed me to watch Mysterious Skin, again, last night. It's such a dark, disturbing movie. I should have opted for a saved episode of Friday Night Lights or Torchwood or something. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Brady Corbet are great in it, though.

Speaking of Torchwood, James Marsters was a guest star on Saturday night's second season premiere. It was really good, if you're in to that kind of show. I absolutely love Captain Jack. With no end in sight to the writer's strike, I'm so glad to have BBC America.

I think I've been talked into going to see Charlie tonight. We'll see if I can breathe tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 29

this wind blows...

In the past twenty four hours, I'm positive every free bit of dust from eastern New Mexico has blown through town. There is NO moisture in the air. I've got a wretched sandpaper feel in the back of my pleasant.

Even though my car was just washed this weekend, I would welcome any bit of rain at this point.

(The headline is totally stolen from Cody Canada from a show a few, or six, years ago in AMA...)

Friday, January 25

6 mins remaining in my work day...

The hearing this morning...moved to Tuesday. I have to admit, I laughed when I got the call from the court coordinator.

shame -

I was doing a crossword puzzle online at lunch today. I could only remember the first letter of the "Egyptian god of the underworld" but automatically knew the "Bartender on 'The Simpsons'" old lit professor would be proud.

I've only got four or five songs of Zooey Deschanel's collaboration with M. Ward, and I can't stop listening to them. It's ridiculous, but I love the cover of "You Really Got A Hold On Me." I hope the rest of the upcoming cd, She & Him, sounds as good. Now, I just have to wait until March 18th to hear it.

Also, I've been listening to Nada Surf's latest today. They are streaming the entire cd before it's available on their myspace page. Really nice.

Thursday, January 24

over it...

I spent the entire afternoon sitting in a courthouse hallway waiting to see if my motion was going to be heard or not. That wasn't the irritating part. The thing that got me is a simple phone call from the other party's attorney could have saved us both time and effort. I was there to enforce a Motion for Continuance. The other attorney was fighting tooth and nail to have that motion denied, and for the hearing scheduled to proceed. I couldn't believe, especially based on past dealings, that an objection to the continuance was filed. It was not unreasonable in any manner, and in no way would it hinder the opposing client's case to wait...even ONE day. We were #3 on the court's docket. That wasn't fast enough for opposing counsel. We did circuits around to every able-bodied judge. Not a single judge was available to hear the motion. Then, I had to deal with unhappy counsel and try to find an acceptable date and time for the hearing.

I've grown tired of dealing with stuff like this, the petty stuff. The notion that it's some great sacrifice to re-schedule when it's not an outlandish request irritates me to no end. I always give the other side the benefit of the doubt, because you never know when you'll be coming with your hat in hand asking for the same. Emergencies pop up, conflicts arise, witnesses need travel time...I get that. This was a simple hearing that (at most) would take 1/2 an hour. We could (and will) do it that so bad?

In this case the continuance was needed to have time to prep and get the facts straight. Having just been retained yesterday afternoon, we didn't have time to go over everything that would have been necessary to proceed with the hearing as scheduled. Subpoenas need to go out, records have to be reviewed... To top it off, I don't even think the suit will go, due to outside factors (that I don't think the other party has been up front about with his attorney). I guess I'll find out bright and early tomorrow morning.


I was bored out of my mind Tuesday night, so went to see No Country for Old Men. Why in the world did I wait so long? I loved this movie. Javier Bardem is creepy as hell, and Josh Brolin is fantastic, especially given that he has little dialogue in the movie. Tommy Lee Jones is great, too. I'm going to make my dad go watch it...I don't think my mom will like it, but dad will love it.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of music. The silence of the movie is just as big a part of the story as the characters. I would absolutely recommend the movie. It's obviously dark, a bit gory, and there's a few scenes that involve harm to animals that I know would turn off some people. However, I absolutely see why it's lauded as one of the best pictures of last year.


Wade's in town Friday, and I can't wait to see them. It's been way too long since I've seen a full-band show. Here's hoping the snow that's just starting to fall here doesn't mess up weekend plans.

Friday, January 18

finally friday...

Anyone going to see Cloverfield this weekend? I'll probably end up seeing it by Tuesday. I really want to go today, but I don't think I'll be able to swing it, since I've already got a birthday dinner and plans afterwards. My goal is to avoid hearing anything more about it...we'll see how that works out.

I'm in the middle of re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It's much better than I remembered. Knowing what's coming and seeing the building blocks in regard to what happens in the 7th book makes it better. I was talking with Veronica about the HP books last weekend. She asked if they were really that good. She said she can't imagine devoting that much time to reading books that are 700+ pages when she could just watch the movie. I told her the two are not the same. I watch the movies knowing they will cut out side stories and reduce the roles of some of the characters, if they're mentioned at all. She said she was waiting at the airport to board and saw at least five or six adults reading the books. I told her that earlier this summer, I was waiting to board a flight in Dallas and a businessman was in front of me. He'd removed the jacket to the 7th book, but I knew immediately what he was reading. LOL I was going to ask him about the book he was reading but we began boarding. He needed one of those fake HP covers for people ashamed of their fascination with the stories.

I spent more time in a bar than I should have this week. We went to Fred Eaglesmith Tuesday night and then Charlie made it back Wednesday for his show @ Rocky LaRue's. We also caught a bit of a show by some random band playing at the Blue Light Wednesday. The kids in that band were maybe 18...emphasis on the maybe. A boy up front enjoyed a dance from what I'm assuming was his girlfriend...we decided they're technically married now. HA! Halfway through our time there, I realized that the drummer goes to our church. I knew I'd seen him before. My cue to leave was when they decided to cover Ian Moore. Jessica's cue was when they played Jet. Dan just kept yelling "Thin Lizzy!" at them, which was hysterical.

Johnny Cooper's in town Saturday, that should be fun. I've got Mr. Brooks and The Namesake at home waiting to be watched. The nights I haven't been out this week, I've been researching, reading, or sleeping...not much time left for television or movies.

Monday, January 14


The weekend was good, but no real rest. Friday afternoon, I had to finish up some papers and then head to dinner for my niece's birthday. Following dinner, Jessica and I made the drive to AMA to see Nikki, the Josh Grider Trio and Adam Hood.

I had never been to Hoot's before. The show was a lot of fun. JG3 was already on stage by the time we got there. I really like Grider, but this is the first time in at least a year that I remember seeing him playing anywhere in the area. His originals are great, and he has a knack for picking perfect songs to cover.

Adam Hood took the stage and Washington Apples made their first appearance. There was some chair-dancing as well. I loved the set, it included a trio of Drive-By Truckers songs and a lot of on stage chatter. At one point, the calls of Roll Tide and War Eagle started from some people in the crowd. This led to Justin J proclaiming that he loved Alabama, loved Tuscaloosa...and finally, "I am Alabama." I also got a "B" salute from stage. LOL With the exception of no "Soulshine," I was very happy.

Afterwards, Nikki regaled Adam with pick up lines and Chuck Norris "facts." One of our conversations was heard at an inopportune time by Keegan. HA We left, but the night still had a couple of surprises. First, we're met with a creepy, leering man in the parking lot parked right beside us. Then, we opt for a stop at Whataburger. Mistake. The drive-thru lane is backed up, so we decide to go inside. Mistake #2. There is a drunk woman in there that insists on talking to us. The people in the drive-thru are enraged, and we're beginning to think we're not going to get out of there before four in the morning. At one point, some kid (that I assumed worked there) goes and locks the doors to prevent an angry man from entering the place to assault the workers. Luckily, that never happened...but we all exchanged looks saying "Oh, F!" After what seemed like an eternity, we finally got our order and high-tailed it out of there.



A second viewing of Juno after a lazy start to the day...a Made marathon on MTV sucked a good ninety minutes of our life away. There was also a trip to Barnes & Noble where I crumbled again at the sight of their Bargain Table...after I said before walking in that I would be buying nothing. Then, it was time for the show - RRB and EYB.

Fact - I have not seen EYB in 2 years (this will come into play later)

There was a good crowd out...many more than I'd expected...and the venue was MUCH bigger than I thought. The crowd - big in size, young in age. I've never seen so many high school girls outside of a mall. Sequins aplenty.

I think we saw half the EYB set (the show started at 8:30). We visited with Manuel and Veronica between sets and then made our way toward the stage for RRB. I would say I loved it, but let's say I liked it. The sound was just TOO matter where you were in the venue. It was distorted at times. My ears didn't stop ringing until about ten o'clock last night. The setlist was pretty much what I expected. Randy sang a new one by himself (the "lonely too long" song) and came back for an encore with Brady to play "Come Pick Me Up."

The place cleared out pretty fast, we joked it was curfew for all the kids. Hung out for a bit...spotted by Mike E. Da da dum... He gave Nikki and I hugs and asked how we'd been, where we've been...grilling us on why we haven't come to see them...why hasn't he seen us... I told him it's not like they're in LBK every weekend or anything. He said "more often than most."(Not true.) I said the times I have been, I've left early. (Not so true.) He said, "Elbow your way to the front, to at least say hi!" (Giving me no out...) I also fed him a line that I'm fairly certain he didn't buy...but what can I say? I can't deal with the crowd at their shows. At least not when Mike McClure's 1/2 a block away in my favorite bar. (This has happened the last 3 times they were in town.)

  • Mike E is an expert at laying on a guilt trip
  • Don't go to the Whataburger on Georgia after 2:30 on the weekends
  • Don't make eye contact with the creepy guy
  • Don't expect everyone to think "pork swords" is as funny as you do. LOL (Seriously, maybe 3 or 4 people laughed in the theater...and I'd seen it before.)

Friday, January 11

HA-ha...(à la Nelson from The Simpsons)

I'm sitting in my office cracking up, because (apparently) someone volunteered Zach to do a filmed spot for his school's work program. He's in the front office with the cheesiest of smiles saying "This is a really cool job!" LOL...I'm sure he wants to murder the woman feeding him lines. She just asked him to give two thumbs up...hahaha. I hope he hits his dad up for a raise the second they leave. I'm sure he cannot wait for the semester and high school to end.

Wednesday, January 9


As if hearing "Telephone" on the other end of the line wasn't good enough...earlier tonight I got "Snake Farm."

Thanks, Erica & Kathy!

Listening to Cross Canadian Ragweed on XM before heading out for an afternoon appointment....

Thanks, to everyone for the texts/calls/"miss you, love you"... I think the singing along to Carolina Morning was the best so far!

I've heard some great/unbelievable stories already...can't wait until everyone's back to hear the rest.

I'm REALLY looking forward to Friday and Saturday. At least I'll get to hear some RRB tonight. I logged out way too early last night and missed my favorite Ryans. I think I was most disappointed about missing those two guys and their bands play in Steamboat this year.

Suzy - can never have too much Reckless
Nikki - I hope the hunt ended with a good resolution
Trisha - almost had me convinced
Rebs - nothing better than a Micky! call
Megan - I can't wait to see you
Kathy - perfect Wade song
Cathy - "our" Boland song, LOL
Erica - I knew you'd appreciate the story, the mental image cracks me up

Tuesday, January 8

no longer waitin' on the blues....

The Steamboat blues have now set in. Part of me can't believe I'm not there, picking and choosing which shows I want to go to...deciding which ones are okay to miss...which ones are going to be too crowded for my liking. Part of me is enjoying listening to the broadcast from the Tent, because frankly, that's my least favorite venue and I don't usually stick around to watch many shows from there.

I've been getting text messages and calls from people and it's great to hear that everyone's having a good time. What do I miss the most? Seeing everyone in the same place. The music is fantastic, but I miss seeing everyone most of all. I'll be able to catch the bands coming back home, but who knows when I'll see some of the people that made their way to Steamboat this year.

Heather and I listened to RK, Dub & the Hwy 6 Band, a little Adam Hood studio session, and Cory Morrow last night. We also got a little Wade from the afternoon/outdoor show. I would have LOVED to see that!

I'm missing the acoustic shows that are usually the gems of the week, bumping into people you know around every corner, hearing the late night impromptu songs. I've promised myself I'll be there next year. I'll just make sure the first half of the month is blocked off.

I'm longing for Friday and a little Adam Hood/Josh Grider action. Sleepover and get to see RRB the following night. Overall, that's not a bad consolation prize for staying home this year.


The weekend in Houston was a good time. Heather and I saw a late night showing of Juno, at Becky's insistence. It was great. Ellen Page is hilarious and touching all at the same time. There were several quotable lines, but I would hate to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen it. Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman are great...especially Jason Bateman, as the couple that's unable to conceive. I think everyone knows how much I love Michael Cera...whether he's George Michael on Arrested Development, Evan in Superbad, or an exaggerated version of himself on can do no wrong.

The next day - prep for the get-together, which included making 50+ Jell-O shots...that's my contribution. I think Sara, Heather and I partook in more than our fair share of the shots, all I know is the tray was empty before the end of the night.

I laughed, laughed, and laughed some more at the party...mostly at Allison's expense (sorry!). Jenny and Erin didn't help matters. Some of the things I remember:

* Momma loves cake!
* This giraffe's in time-out
* The Jell-O was fine, I'm pretty sure it was the tequila that wasn't
* Your boyfriend did this
* Oh, so you are sort of a bitch
* Does it have a nursery??? HAHAHA
* Someone was practicing with fondant
* You don't need more than 1/2 cup!!!
* Vagtastic! (I forgot to mention that Heather watched Superbad for the first time...)

Wednesday, January 2


This is just a repost of my myspace blogs from the last's a recap of what I remember from the past year and the other is what I remember from the past weekend (last roadtrip of the year)...

Just a little addition...the Brauns probably have standing for a restraining order whenever they choose to file...

Overall, it was a good year...I got to spend time with many of you and was usually talked into more trips than planned...thanks to the persuasiveness of some girls from Vegas, ATX and Houston. I can't believe I'm missing out on the fun starting next week, but I can't wait to hear the stories...

Promise to myself for 2008 - get to more Bob Schneider shows...I missed him this year...

January - This year started off with great people in Ft Worth @ Woody's and a great night @ the LQ across the way. Matt Powell/Brandon Rhyder/Mike Mancy - great to share their songs with us

I turned around and made my way back home to load up on groceries and alcohol for the condo and pack for a quick turnaround to Steamboat. (I'll miss it this year! )

I think Jessica and I had a good road trip, nothing disastrous.We arrived in Steamboat early the next day just before the snow began to fall. Some of my favorite moments - child-proof condo; Tux & Chauncey; instructions from Wade; admonishing Joseph (*tear*) for his Boise State T-shirt; the best view in town of the first aid center; ID'ing the "true" friends from the pretenders at the first aid center; shot plinko in the Vegas condo; standing in the literally freezing weather to see RRB; Bluest Eyes in Texas; Soul Agent; Bingham & the Boys tossed from the Grand's eating establishment; Sugar-Free!; Randy & Brady acoustic @ the theater with Jessica and Cathy

February- Greatest birthday present to myself - going to see Todd Snider & Hayes Carll at the Sons of Hermann Hall with Heather. (best show I saw all year)

Monday nights @ the Blue Light - on my actual bday - discovering Charlie and I share the same bday and the hilarious acoustic show that followed

Fighting the neighbors' dogs' incessant barking throughout the night...Manuel took care of that one...LOL

THE dance by Lezli at the BL - still makes me laugh

March - RRB show and then a 4:45 flight out that morning for Becky & Brady's wedding...not the smartest idea I've ever had. I followed that up the next day with a Stars game and Modano scoring the winning goal in OT...doesn't get better than that.

This clip from Letterman: (I didn't embed it here, but it's the duet of Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle...still makes me laugh)

April - Pretty much Monday nights at the Blue Light and some Ryan Turner thrown in there for good measure... Trips to OKC, Austin for Greenfest and meeting up with Sara, Cori, Lori and Maureen for some man-love @ the Motorcars' show in Ft. Worth...hahahaha!

May - Road trip for Stoney @ the Ranch and Ryan James Band hanging around after a private show; Ryan Turner & Cinco de Mayo - good times

June - Trip to ATX for Jennifer & Kerry's wedding in Lago Vista and then a trip up to Waco with Becky & Brady to see Wade/Randy acoustic show...great show, great trip, great to see some of your faces in Waco; John Mayer in Dallas - fantastic. My sister was first exposed to the Vegas girls, not sure if she's recovered yet. Another Randy/Wade acoustic show...I'd go see them any time, any where.

July - OK trip that is hilarious in hindsight; Harry Potter (book & movie); a mid-week run to Ft Worth to see some Brauns and RRB with Suzy, like the true stalkers that we are (ha!); Quizzed by Kelly @ the White Elephant

August - Damages; Houston; Wade @ Firehouse, motion sickness @ the movie theater; IDAHO - jell-o shots, Alfredo's, hanging out down by the river, lemon-n-vodka, gasping from moonshine; MMC shows aplenty

September - more MMC shows; talked into Red Dirt Roundup; RRB in Lewisville; Run in with Gary Allan in the hallway; interesting night in the Stockyards; Strootapalooza; The Ryan on Ryan Tour and scaring Nick from the car; Wade at the Courtyard; Lubbock Music Festival - Ragweed and Johnny Cooper and drunk calls from my sister...thanks; RRB back-to-back; "You remind me of a young Jason Boland."; bunny ears; antennae; George Bush

October - the end of Mondays at the Blue Light (*tear*); RRB followed by RK at Raidergate early the next morning - not the best idea

November - mortification at the Mike McClure show; MMC made it all better; Housewarming party; OKC trip - Scattergories, tequila, time at the Husserl and Watkins houses, tailgating; Raidergate with Stoney; running into old friends at random places; Cody & Wade acoustic show - worth. every. penny.; iVamos de pachanga!; Thanksgiving; More Jell-O shots than anyone should ever have (especially when they're blue); Trip to DFW for yet another MMC show; "Do you need anything?"

December - recovery from that trip to DFW...Christmas Tree; milk on car; Waffle House in general; Marker residue; outstanding singing; to the left; RK x 3; Charlie Shafter Band and some great new songs; passing on messages to Muzzie for the girls; Randy/Jason shows - fantastic; Wii obsession begins

ATX for last road trip of the year - can't wait to see everyone and am looking forward to whatever the weekend and new year brings


they call it the hill country...
Current mood: content

I had a great time this weekend. Freezing weather, dancing, great company...

Again, timing IS everything...

I got a late start on the road, but arrived with time to spare before a trip to NB to see Stoney @ Gruene Hall. Had we known how long the line would be, or how cold we would be, I'm not sure we wouldn't have opted for the Saxon instead. We ended up getting in with tons of room to spare and had some great spots, for a while...

I think the entertainment on and off the stage was top-notch. There's nothing like keeping yourself entertained. Hello sprinkler, do-si-do, can opener and lawn mower... My side still hurts from laughing at the dancing during "Devil Went Down to Georgia"

Spotted: Burt Reynolds...LOL; Verizon Wireless guy, blood...lots of blood, and FIREWORKS (I wasn't crazy)

Last minute rush to Tavern on the Gruene...Suzy dissed by the bar staff (hahaha) for her weak finishing skills...

Sunday - all-day at Gruene (with a few stops throughout the day to HEB, the parking lot and a ride around NB)

HEB - MMJ put Suzy's reflexes to the test, passing up samples and navigating the aisles to find basic school supplies...mission accomplished

We met Heather in the parking lot, Jell-O shots made their first appearance of the day, then it was inside to see some early afternoon Adam Hood

They were definitely entertained by the dancing and the "W."

"Can you hear me now?!" "It's my network!"

1st time, strange...2nd and 3rd, familiar...5th, routine. LOL

More Adam "How'd you get so good?" Hood...

Tree-squirrel in the parking lot...God bless Justin Johnson.

First harassment of the Braun's early yet...and a George sighting

B induction ceremonies all around...

Jell-O - gone

part 2 of the day just beginning...grab a bite to eat, stop for more beer (b/c we really needed it) and back to Gruene...

Who doesn't love a game of Catchphrase?

Sign time...Trisha, MMJ and an extra piece (which would come in handy later)

Surprise appearance by Sarah and Jamie...

"He changed his shoes!"

Outstanding setlist by RK...any time "Lonely All the Time" is played is a great time

Willy takes it off...mistake No. 1

say our goodbyes to everyone...yet stick around...

Bye to B-rad, bye to Cody..."Too bad you couldn't find a big pen!"

Where's Heather???

"No autographs, please girls!" LOL

bus humping...(so not what it sounds like)

"Where did you get this?!"

"That's my favorite shirt!" LMAO

Rule 1 - Always wear a leather jacket.
Rule 2 - Find the cold one in the group... Are you taking notes???

Time. to. go.

I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of the tucking of dollar bills into back pockets...

Great time...and don't forget - "F*ck off, Gary!" LOL