Tuesday, March 25

It figures, tomorrow things will start picking up at the office. I'm really ready for Thursday, and seeing Suzy and Trisha. We are going to see Shooter Jennings at Antone's, before everyone else gets in for the weekend in San Antonio. Then, I'll be picking up Cathy in SAT for a side trip to Uvalde and some RRB. (It's been some time now...) We'll meet back up with everyone in SAT Saturday before GF.

It's been a LONG time since I've been out of town for any length of time. This weekend is much needed. I can't wait to see everybody that's making the trip. *Note to self: check ipod for requested R&B songs...LOL

Today, I bought the two-day pass for the Braun Brothers Reunion. If only we could leave on the next plane. I am really looking forward to the trip this year. There are new bands on the schedule and some new faces making the trip. I have a few small trips between now and then, most of them family-oriented. I can't wait for the return trip to Challis.

Wednesday, March 19

road trips...

They really aren't much fun when the only things waiting on the other side are mediations, hearings, or conferences. In the past few days, I've traveled 600+ miles for work. I don't mind the driving. I actually enjoy the time in the car to listen to music/podcasts. However, I don't enjoy driving 2 or 3 hours for a 1/2 hour conference or even worse, a 2 minute hearing.

At least next week's road trip will pay off bigger dividends. I can't wait to see everyone...I can't believe I haven't seen most of you since December.

Family's coming in for Easter this weekend. The immediate family is going to the Tech/Texas baseball game Saturday afternoon. I haven't been to a Tech baseball game in such a long time, so that should be fun. I just know I need to stock up on sunscreen before Saturday.

My bracket is set for the tournament. I have absolutely no confidence in some of the picks, but I don't foresee all four #1 seeds advancing. We'll see how the first weekend goes. I'll be watching at the office as soon as I get in from an appointment.

Friday, March 14

continually amazed...

It never fails, I am always dumbfounded by what people don't know. I'm not talking about history/math/lit stuff. I'm talking about everyday things.

HOW do you get to be in your late thirties and not know basic things? I do mean basic...like deposits/withdrawals to a checking account. Am I wrong, don't most people know the ins and outs of having a checking account?

Anyway, Friday has never been so welcome. I had a solid fourteen hour day, yesterday. Mediation is fun! I wanted to just stand up at one point (1 1/2 hours in) and say "Put a piece of paper in front of me. I'll sign it!" We had reached an agreement almost immediately after opening statements. That's not how it works, though. We had to wait (and wait, and wait some more) for the other party involved to reach some sort of resolution regarding matters that didn't concern us in any way, shape, or form.

It was hard to listen to the other 2 parties, essentially, gang up on the other party. She had an attorney present, so at least she had someone working in her best interests. Yet, I find it hard to believe that an hour after walking out, she could rest easily with the agreement reached. Little missteps along the way never seem to mean much, until someone that's been keeping tabs tallies them all up for you.

Not much going on here...I'll go see Charlie tonight, Manuel's birthday celebration tomorrow night and not much else...but college basketball. :)

Tuesday, March 11

Wow. Was yesterday a long day for everyone, or was it just me? Thank goodness that's over.

I finally committed to going to Greenfest...w/bonus Cross Canadian Ragweed/RRB/Shooter Jennings shows.

Favorite podcast of the moment:

* Uhh Yeah Dude podcast - I've had them on my ipod for a while now, but didn't give them a listen until last week. I can't explain why it's entertaining to listen to two guys talk about, essentially, whatever they find interesting. Topics they've discussed: Earth Day, anti-depressants, worst mom (2 scenarios, which is worst?), "Hey Florida", tribute bands, paintball with Rick Schroeder, Boston Marathon... I think my favorite is their song picks of the week. Generally, they choose hip hop or rap and a country song. The breakdown of Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel" cracked me up.

Favorite cd of the moment:

* Mando Saenz - Bucket

Friday, March 7

well, well, well

A friend came into town this week and we went out tonight to the Blue Light. Lots of fun, and I'm sure I'll regret it tomorrow morning...however, I did learn some exciting news.

My childhood/elementary/middle/junior high/high school/college friend, Gordon, will be playing pedal steel for Shooter Jennings! I can't explain how awesome this is for him. That link on the side of the page for Periodic Label is one of his projects. He also has a band, Smyer. You can find them through Periodic Label and on myspace. I'm very excited for him and hope he has a great experience on the tour.

John, Christy and I went out to the Blue Light to see the Kyle Bennett Band. I gotta say, I was hoping for a Charlie show somewhere in town, but we had a good time. The guys in the band were also very nice and chatty afterwards. I must say, I already miss my regular partner in outings, Jessica. She'll be doing clinicals in Ft. Worth over the next few week and is finishing up finals right now. The RT shows won't be the same...lol.

Christy told me some stories that had me gasping for breath from laughing so much. I don't think it mattered much where we were, we would have had a good time regardless.

It was great to see John, it had been at least half a year or so... I talk to him regularly, and Dawn...he said you guys did not scare him off, he just hasn't been able to get away. He absolutely will be out to see his brother at the Granada at the end of this month.

I'm so ready for the weekend, it's ridiculous.

Monday, March 3

March. Definitely in like a lion...

Woke up to snow, and now, the sun is shining... I'm still in a cloudy state of mind, though. I am short on sleep and patience. Telephone conferences this morning wore me down, and now I just want to leave the office as soon as possible and catch up on sleep.

Dealing with certain people, I wonder how is it they never outgrew the phase of running to the teacher? Rather that confront an issue and work it out among the parties, their first option is run to the judge/mediator for a decision. To be fair, I haven't run into this problem often, but I'm dealing with someone like this now. I feel like it reflects poorly on all the parties involved. I cannot wait for next Monday, in the hopes that I can wash my hands of this person and this case.

We went to see Brandon Rhyder this weekend. Great time and great show... The crowd response could have been better, but it was a vast improvement over last time. I don't think I have much on the schedule this week, besides voting. I planned to take advantage of early voting, but Jessica and I decided to catch a matinee showing of Semi-Pro (funny, but not hilarious). So, I'll be waiting in line tomorrow afternoon.