Monday, March 30


I got to see the Motorcars this weekend. It was the normal crowd, I still wish they'd move back to the Blue Light. The setlist was great. The crowd was about what I expected. There was however a guy who kept yelling out stuff between songs. Examples: Yeah! Micky & the F'ing Motorcars!, We love the Brauns!, Richard Thompson!, You're Nobody's Baby!... You get the point. I was annoyed, but admit to laughing at the Braun and Nobody's Baby shout-outs. Micky tried to shut him up by following up with Nobody's Girl...didn't quite work.

The rest of the weekend was spent reading, clearing out the DVR, NCAA tourney games and sleeping. There was a family dinner and birthday party in there as well. I can't kick this sinus infection. It needs to be gone already. I know going out didn't help matter any, but you know...

Friday, March 27

Two Scotts

I stayed in this Friday and am trolling music blogs. I know I've talked about my love of the Avett Brothers before, but not sure if I've mentioned Scott H. Biram. I came across two recent clips and had to share.

Scott Avett - Rambling Fever:

Scott H. Biram - Sinkin' Down

Monday, March 23

Sometimes the only answer's Austin...

I had a quick trip to Austin this past weekend. When I found out I wouldn't be leaving the office early Friday, I had second thoughts. However, I just really didn't want to stay in town. I arrived at Waterloo Records in time to catch a bit of the GW showcase. We then had a late night bite to eat at Magnolia. Ideally, I would have gone to see Dan Auerbach...realistically, I was not going to head out at 2 in the morning alone to catch the show. I listened to the cd on the way home. Now, I really wish I had gone...

Saturday, I woke early. Something I know would not have happened if I'd gone to the show the night before. We watched a little NCAA action and then headed out to try to see Slaid Cleaves. Well, we got as close as next door. That was fine with me, because we ended up at Freddie's for a late lunch and frozen margaritas. Then, we made our way to Waterloo Park. Lucero was scheduled for the 6:00 slot. I think we had perfect timing. The parking, weather and music were all perfect. I was hoping to leave Austin without a sunburn...FAIL! I applied sunscreen before we headed out, it was very late in the day, we stayed in the shade, and I still have a slight sunburn. It's not even summer yet! I spotted this guy in the crowd while watching Lucero. I have no idea why, but his shirt made me smile. I don't even know what it means:

We really didn't have a plan for the rest of the night. All I knew was that I would be seeing Bob Schneider at some point. LOL We had dinner at Shady Grove. I may or may not have almost started a fire at the table. Suzy and Amber dropped us off at The Ranch to catch some of Brandon Rhyder's set. We spent the first twenty minutes or so watching the last minutes of the Duke/Texas game. I was the happiest person in that bar! The W.Kentucky game was nuts, too. We left the main bar for the music. We should have stayed out in the bar for another 20 minutes. The band onstage was ridiculous. BRhyder took the stage and we got to hear four or five songs before heading down to Threadgill's for Bob.

The show was fantastic. I was just happy to be there, honestly. There were twin fiddles, a banjo, steel guitar, accordion and guitars on stage. It was a great way to wrap up the weekend. The dancing, the sing-a-longs...a Bob show always makes me happy. A smart person would have made plans for after the show. We were not so smart and ended up walking back up Congress to 7th to meet up with Suzy and Amber. Then, we walked back down to 5th. LOL...communication is key. I missed tons of shows that I'm sure were fantastic. However, I was more than happy with the shows I got to see. I surprised myself by waking early Sunday and hit the road. If I would have lingered around another hour or so, I don't think I would have survived the trip home.

Wednesday, March 11

"I gave the sun a cussing as I drew the shades..."

I was late coming into the office this morning. I mean late! I woke up around 6 and hit snooze. I'm sure the alarm went off some time between then and the time I actually got out of bed (7:50), but I didn't hear it. The only thing I really missed out on was prep time. Thank goodness.

So, my goal is to start going to bed earlier...we'll see how long this lasts. Logically, I know there's no reason to stay up reading/watching a show. Realistically, I'll stay up until 3 in the morning during the week for no good reason. Sometimes there may be work involved, like research or writing...but more often than not, I'm just up. Up late and cursing the lack of sleep the next day.

I picked up a new book at the library yesterday: Babylon Rolling

From the acclaimed author of Pretty Little Dirty, comes a glittering, gritty, and unflinching story of five families--black, white, and Indian--living along one block of Uptown, New Orleans.

It is the summer of 2004, and Orchid Street is changing. Newcomers Ariel May and her husband, Ed, relocated from Minnesota, are trying to make sense of the Southern city. From her front porch, Philomenia Beauregard de Bruges watches her new neighbors, the Guptas, as they move into one of the biggest homes. Across the way, Daniel Harris, aka Fearius, has just been released from juvenile detention. And Cerise Brown, a longtime resident now in her late seventies, hopes only to pass the rest of her days in peace.

But with one random accident, a scene of horror on Cerise's front lawn, the whole neighborhood converges on the sidewalk to help, to cast blame, and to offer hope. And as Hurricane Ivan churns his way toward the city, bringing a different series of challenges, these new relationships tighten, intertwining the families' paths for better and for worse.

Told in five achingly real voices, Babylon Rolling is the story of one year on Orchid Street, a place where lives clash and collide, and where the humid air is charged with constant wanting. Offering a bold understanding of human nature and the hidden prejudices we harbor, Babylon Rolling is a powerful portrait of racism in America and a city on the edge of transformation.

Just started it last night, pretty good so far.

Sunday, March 8

I realize I never posted about the acoustic show in was a great trip. I had a great time, seeing everybody and the music, of course, was fantastic. Thanks for the picture, Meg!

This weekend was pretty slow. I thought about going out to the BL on Friday...too lazy to do it. I think I caught up on the DVR instead. Then, Saturday was full of birthday celebrations. I spent all day with family and ended the night at the JB&S show. There was a great crowd out, much more so than the last time they were through town, and the set was all I could have asked for. Big plus: Brad was back on the drums. I missed seeing him/hearing him at the shows. I'm not sure how the shoulder held up throughout the show, because I stuck around long enough for a hello to JB and I was out of there. I didn't have the desire to stick around for another hour while everyone got things signed/took pictures or whatever...especially with the time change.

Wednesday, March 4


I am barely recovering from this weekend. There was a lot going on every night, lots of good stuff on Saturday and Sunday/Monday...

Saturday was the final night of the BL anniversary celebration and David's last night in town. Will Green opened up the night with a really good set and then, Charlie took the stage. They played a GREAT set. There were some old songs, new songs, and a few favorite covers. They closed out the night covering "Helter Skelter"...loved it. Lexi, Stephanie, and Jessica kept me laughing most of the night. Matt Martindale got up and sang a few songs. Susan Gibson was also in attendance, but wasn't there to sing, just to enjoy the show.

After the show, I was wrangled into taking a few shots with Stephanie. For some reason, I lingered for some time. I caught up with a few people, met some new ones, and said goodbye to David. It'll take a while to get used to not seeing him around.

Morning came too soon Sunday, I dragged myself out of bed and hit the road...