This weekend didn't really go as planned. I had planned on going to DFW for the Red Dirt Roundup, but that changed. I had planned on doing laundry and actually going to the grocery store, but that changed, too.
This weekend, instead, ended up being one of surprises. Not good ones, either. Saturday night, an uncle had a heart attack. Then tonight, my mom and dad came home (I spent Saturday and all day Sunday at their house), to tell me that while visiting my uncle, they ran into the father of one of my jr high/high school/neighborhood friends. Apparently, Casey's in the hospital with 3rd degree burns to the lower half of his body. It's insane how it happened. I can't say when they relayed the story, I was shocked. He and his brothers have always been "those" guys. I plan on going to see him sometime this week. I hope he's doing alright...I hope his mom's doing alright.
That was the second time this week that an old friend from school has popped back up, for one reason or another. Neither time has been for particularly good reasons. I hope that trend doesn't continue.
This weekend wasn't all doom and gloom. Becky, Brady, Elvira, Christy, Samantha and I all had a great time Saturday at the Blue Light. Carrie and Tamara made an appearance as well (I'm gonna say they had a good time, though it's doubtful that they remember).
Mancy was fun, and I got the
Charlie sighting I'd hoped for, although not on stage...maybe I'll make it out Thurs night to see the band.
After closing time, we went to a keg party. Immediately after stepping over the threshold, I knew it was time to go home. There was a
sixteen year old boy passed out on the couch! SIXTEEN! Anyway, it was good to see Terry and Lance.
I've got to thank Heather and Sara for the calls this weekend...the next best thing to being there. The commentary was entertaining inbetween songs, as well. ;)