Well, I did find my way to the Blue Light Monday. Mistake. I have been dragging since then. However, the show itself was fun. I got to hear "Windfall", which Charlie says he only plays when I'm there...like I have any way of knowing whether this is true. My favorite part of the night has become the rap medley. You never know what new song will be in the mix with the usual Dr. Dre/Eminem/50 Cent. They are going to be backing Matt Martindale for about another month, then the band is going on the road. Translation, I'll not be seeing much of them after that for some time. *sigh* Things learned Monday: Rap names can be hilarious. I've tired of hearing cliche songs over the same guitar chords (open mic night can make time stand still). The local hockey team is unbelievably unimposing and nice.

It's been a Leonardo DiCaprio film festival at the house this week. I've watched The Departed a few times and finally saw Blood Diamond. I liked them both. The pacing of Blood Diamond could have been a bit faster, but I liked it better than The Departed. The ending of The Departed probably leads me to feel that way. I'm not really a DiCaprio fan, and am in no way familiar with the South African accent he employs for Blood Diamond but I thought he was great in that role as Danny Archer. Of course, the same goes for Djimon Hounsou as fisherman Solomon Vandy.
I'm ready for the weekend and a few days away from here. I feel like it's been ages since I've seen everyone. I hope everyone that's going has safe travels into Austin this weekend. See y'all soon.