We are....
MARSHALL! I really liked the movie. Last night, we made a spur of the moment decision to go out to dinner and a movie. It also brought the reappearance of Unger in our lives, it had been too long since Jon's been around the house. I believe he talked us into making the Tech game tonight against UNLV...Coach Knight has the possibility looming of breaking the all-time winning record in NCAA history. Chris is in town for awhile, as are a few of Manuel's friends, Diana and Veronica. We had a great time and finished off with a game of Cranium back at the house....fun, but not wise when I have to make sure to be at the office to open up, since everyone else is out for various dr appts, court dates, family functions. (oops, 5 mins late to opening up...at least the phone systems are automated)
The movie was good, but a little manipulative, emotionally. It included a few too many unnecessary music swells, montages and lingering shots. I am put off by that kind of stuff...but the story itself was great.
Apologies to all, but I'd rather see Matthew Fox than McConaughey any day. That may go back to a Party of Five obsession, though...Loved that Arlen Escarpeta (Sam from American Dreams) was a featured player. I miss that show. Maybe I'll buy the first season dvds when I get back from Steamboat.
Speaking of, I cannot believe how slowly this week is creeping by! I can't wait to get out of here...here's hoping the weather's clear. If not, my weekend plans may be adjusted. Although, I'd hate to miss out on another trip to OKC. I miss the Jamies, more than they know. If only we could get Jeanne to come down from Denver...I'm hoping for at least a dinner next week, when I'm in Lakewood for the night. No stop in Norman is complete without dinner at Victoria's. The cheese lasagna is simply the best thing I've ever had. The cheesy bread rocks as well. Hopefully, this time tomorrow will find me leaving the office and heading out to OKC to meet up with Jamie and whoever else happens to be in town...