Thursday, December 28

We are....

MARSHALL! I really liked the movie. Last night, we made a spur of the moment decision to go out to dinner and a movie. It also brought the reappearance of Unger in our lives, it had been too long since Jon's been around the house. I believe he talked us into making the Tech game tonight against UNLV...Coach Knight has the possibility looming of breaking the all-time winning record in NCAA history. Chris is in town for awhile, as are a few of Manuel's friends, Diana and Veronica. We had a great time and finished off with a game of Cranium back at the, but not wise when I have to make sure to be at the office to open up, since everyone else is out for various dr appts, court dates, family functions. (oops, 5 mins late to opening least the phone systems are automated)

The movie was good, but a little manipulative, emotionally. It included a few too many unnecessary music swells, montages and lingering shots. I am put off by that kind of stuff...but the story itself was great.

Apologies to all, but I'd rather see Matthew Fox than McConaughey any day. That may go back to a Party of Five obsession, though...Loved that Arlen Escarpeta (Sam from American Dreams) was a featured player. I miss that show. Maybe I'll buy the first season dvds when I get back from Steamboat.

Speaking of, I cannot believe how slowly this week is creeping by! I can't wait to get out of's hoping the weather's clear. If not, my weekend plans may be adjusted. Although, I'd hate to miss out on another trip to OKC. I miss the Jamies, more than they know. If only we could get Jeanne to come down from Denver...I'm hoping for at least a dinner next week, when I'm in Lakewood for the night. No stop in Norman is complete without dinner at Victoria's. The cheese lasagna is simply the best thing I've ever had. The cheesy bread rocks as well. Hopefully, this time tomorrow will find me leaving the office and heading out to OKC to meet up with Jamie and whoever else happens to be in town...

Wednesday, December 27

Saturday, a recap...

Saturday night, I found myself locked out of my house (damn this remote, I leave my house keys everywhere now), covered in flour and cocoa and NEEDING to go to Jake's to meet up with some old friends/family. So, did I call them and let them know I wouldn't be making it? No. I headed out to the bar anyway. I was able to clean most of it up before I got there, but had a coat in the car that served as a cover up.

One of my favorite people had a show that night. Ben G is the lead singer of an 80s (and some 70s and 90s) cover band that is always fun to see, The Ducks. I have no idea where that name came from... I've known Ben for about 25 years, if not longer. He never ceases to make me smile/laugh uncontrollably. His little sister was one of my closest friends throughout elementary and jr. high. They covered everything from Metallica, Madonna, Rage Against the Machine, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Michael Jackson, AC/DC, and even some Rick Springfield.

The crowd pretty much became an impromptu high school reunion. It was great to see some faces I hadn't seen in at least ten years. I also ran into a guy that has been popping up everywhere I go for the last 8 to 10 months. He went to school with Becky, and is always at the Blue Light/Wild West...wherever the TX/Red Dirt (whatever you want to call it) shows are. I can't escape him, apparently. I learned that he is the cousin of a girl I went to school with...very small world.

Fun start to the weekend, a bit of drama when I finally got home...but that's another story.

Friday, December 22

sixty minutes to go...

We're having a family Christmas party tonight. This is the first time I can remember that happening. I mean, we usually all congregate at the same house and play games, drink, eat, talk...but it's never been designated as a 'party.' I wonder what's going to transpire that's different from every other holiday.

I've been on a strange schedule all week. My sleep cycle is all screwed up. I'll fall asleep at 6, wake up around 8 and then stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning. Hopefully, I can get that straightened out this weekend; since the Blue Light's closed.
We had our office party last night, ended up at the Library in the Depot District. Mistake #1: I should have just gone home, or better yet, eaten dinner. Mistake #2: I really don't know why I downed like 8 or 10 beers in an hour's time. I do know I stayed much longer than I'd planned (one drink and out...ha!).

I held at least a five minute phone conversation with Manuel before realizing he was not my brother-in-law, Andrew. This usually happens to Josh, since he's lucky enough to have his number right after my sister's in my cell phone. I have no explanation for the Manuel/Andrew mix-up. At least I didn't say anything bad about him.

This Christmas has had an altogether different vibe from last year...which was awful for reasons, I just haven't even come to terms with. I don't think anyone on my dad's side of the family has. Last weekend marked a year since the beginning of my aunt's stay in the hospital. She fell into a coma the following day, and suffered irreparable trauma. I hope to never again experience a Christmas Eve in a hospital waiting room. My uncle and cousins had to make what I imagine to be the worst decision one ever has to face. It has to be difficult for them now, hopefully they can celebrate Christmas without the memory of last year constantly lingering in their thoughts.
I'm out of the office until Tuesday, then have a trip to Oklahoma to see some friends next weekend. I can't wait.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas, or any other holiday you may be celebrating at this time. I hope to see some familiar faces around the hometown this weekend. I'm crossing my fingers for a Campbell sighting; Thanksgiving wasn't the same without 'em.

My favorite Christmas movie (with some commentary from Jon Favreau):

Thursday, December 21

one of my favorites, from one of my favorites

I love the inclusion of Kevin, MPowell and Evin...not to mention the song.

You can also hear a dead-on impression of Meatwad, by going to this page.

apparently, I harbour some delusions...

I've recently come to realize that what I thought were accepted notions are nothing of the sort. I guess I have an idealistic view on certain things, and thought many of the people I know held those same views. WRONG! Wow...I still love hanging with these people, talking with them, but to say my view of them is the same would be lying. I'm not sure if it's because I feel like it's an unreasonable view, or what. I am fighting to keep an open mind about this and to not let someone's views on one topic color my opinion about that person as a whole.

On to other latest favorite band is, without a doubt, The Damnwells. Their latest cd was released in August, "Air Stereo." My favorite part about them: the voice! I absolutely love them, and fell in love with them last year, after hearing this song:


I'm ten thousand miles from you
my sky is black when your's is blue
you just steal my broken faith
and put it back together
you're cheating on the weather with me

I sing a song I wrote for you
a hundred melodies so blue
Will you be my stolen rain
that washed it all together
I love you like a fever gone cold

I'm singin in my sleep
driving across Texas with you
and you look so good
I'm singin in my sleep
driving across Texas with you
and you look so good

I could stay another day with you
stall the winter's pain 'til June
will it ever stay the same
will winter be in summer
I'm already gettin older with you

I'm singin in my sleep
driving across Texas with you
and you look so good
I'm singin in my sleep
driving across Texas with you
and you look so good

I'm singin in my sleep
singin in my sleep
driving, driving

I'm singin in my sleep
driving across Texas with you
and you look so good
you look so good...

Tuesday, December 19

This can't be true...

I saw this first on techeblog and then, again on Gizmodo. Here's the entry from Gizmodo's site:

Here's a strange story from those paragons of sensible journalism over at Fox News. They claim that the FBI can now use the microphone on your cell phone to listen in on your conversations, even when the phone is turned off. Now, I've heard of special phones that are outfitted to work this way, but all phones? How is that possible? How can the FBI tap into every make of phone on every carrier when the thing is shut completely off and then have it send a signal out to their location without you ever knowing this? Not that I don't have loads of faith in our government, but they don't seem like they have their shit together enough to pull this one off.

I'm guessing that the fact checkers at Fox we're too busy changing "holiday" to "Christmas" on all their scripts to figure out that the FBI replaces the phones of people they are tracking with specially outfitted models. And I'm hoping I'm right, as otherwise that's some seriously creepy and privacy-invading business right there. Just to be safe I'm wrapping my phone in foam when I'm not using it, as there is no way I want the government knowing what I order at Subway.

Check the video report after the jump.

Talk about a creepy story...


Sunday afternoon, I accompanied my sister and my two nieces to a matinee performance of The Nutcracker. There's nothing like seeing things through their eyes for the first time. I hadn't been to a performance in a few years. I think my last time was when I was still in Norman. They had been waiting for this for weeks. They got all dressed up and couldn't wait for the show to begin. The excitement in Lex & Lauryn's eyes when the house lights went down was worth the price of admission.

The performance was the first sell out for the company. The dancers were talented, and Harrison's little sister, Annelise was one of the featured performers, the Dew Drop Fairy. She was fantastic! One of the things I remember most was Harrison always having to say goodbye to his mom and dad as they split time between seeing him play tennis and Annelise dance. Her years of work most definitely show.

The two guests of the company were NaTalia Johnson and Amar Ramasar as the Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier. Amazing!

Sunday, December 17

*just something I forgot...

There was a special guest in town Friday night. Mr. Evin Philbrick! You can actually see him behind Les' drums in a few of the pictures. I spotted him from upstairs, went down and talked with him between Brandon Rhyder's and RRB's sets. He was in town for an early family Christmas celebration. He's never looked happier. He introduced me to his fiancée and told me he loves the 9 to 5. It was so good to see him.

Saturday, December 16

Um, yeah, I LOVE the Randy Rogers Band

I'm sitting at home right now, watching SNL for the first time, in a long time. Great jokes on Barack Obama and "World's Oldest Living Person" during Weekend Update. I just got in from playing shuffleboard at Cricket's and going to Manuel's graduation dinner. Fun, but I didn't feel like hitting the Depot District tonight.

Friday night, we started off with drinks at the house and headed to the Blue Light/Tom's Daiquiri Lounge. Getting out of the car, I saw a guy I could have sworn was Matt Powell, walking down the street. Turns out, I was right. We entered the patio and Les Lawless was waving out the window of Tom's at us. They decided to stop by before moving back to Wild West for Brandon's set. Sounds like they had a good round of golf following their early morning bus call from Midland. Brady said the first few holes were rough, Geoff said that's just because he kicked his ass.

Watching the RRB show, I was a little overwhelmed. It was their 255th show of the year. Isn't that amazing? There was barely any breathing room in the place. From having only 129 tickets pre-sold, to having a sold-out show is pretty great. Randy's voice has gotten so much stronger, his command of the crowd is great. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand. The show had a different vibe than Thursday night...definitely more their kind of crowd. During band introductions, Randy looked up and smiled and shook his head at us when he heard the crowd's response to Brady. He truly is the most beloved person on that stage when they play here.

Talking with Randy afterwards, he was telling me about the tour and what he liked/didn't like about the experience. He was relieved it was over. He equated it to overnight camp. He said they're happy to be back home and don't plan on leaving for a long stretch of time, again, anytime soon. He said they had a good time, but sometimes you just want to be home. He'll be a busy boy in Steamboat. He said if we see him, chances are he'll have his guitar in hand and just have time to say hi. He's booked for SIX shows! He's playing with Lee Ann Womack, the Leon Russell tribute, Ray Wylie Hubbard, two full band shows and one that I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE: him and Chris Knight. He told me, "You can bet your ass Micky ain't playing six shows!" HA HA HA! I remember why I love Randy so much. He always makes me laugh.

We talked about the Joe Nichols thing. He told me he had to keep himself from telling the guy, I'm gonna f*cking kill you! He was going to take the picture as a sort of mugshot, then added the arrow at the last second.

We talked about how great, yet challenging 2006 was for the band. With two babies on the way, a growing audience and their hard work, I hope 2007 will be their best year yet.

Friday, December 15

It's been some time now, too long...

Jessica, Manuel and I drove down to Midland for the MMC/RRB Christmas show. It was an early show, started around 8:30, out of there around midnight. MMC took the stage, and there were about 40 people, maybe. The crowd grew, and the response was good. Micky finally gave in and played "Pointless Love," after several requests. They were allowed to play longer than I'd anticipated. Always a good thing...

Then it was time for RRB. This was their first show back in Texas since October. From the second they hit the stage, I was reminded of how much I love them. Every song was a favorite, and I don't remember ever being that happy to hear/see them. Besides the feeling of the walls closing in on me, the show was just what I needed.

The show was all ages, and let me tell you, Brady and Chops have the under 18 market sewn up! Those girls went CRAZY for them. We were laughing because prior to the start of the show, Brady was setting up and was bombarded with autograph requests. Girls were throwing their arms/hands/scraps of paper at him to be signed. At one point in the show, a girl was screaming her head off for him and he reached down and kissed her hand...the screams! You know that old footage of The Beatles? It was like that...hahaha.

Near the end of the show, the calls for "Kiss Me In The Dark" began. The response was unreal. I was taken aback by it. I should have taken a picture of the cellphones, in the air, throughout the place. Crazy... I can't wait to do it all over again in a matter of hours. Brandon Rhyder's opening up tonight, I couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, December 12

done deal

The ipod was ordered at lunchtime, I'm picking it up today after work. Now, I have to decide what is/is not necessary as far as accessories go. I'm sure I'll buy a cover, any recommendations? I'll also buy the wall charger, just because I'm not always around a computer.

The day hasn't been too favorite client canceled. I've been asked to draft something for an out of state court. Normally, I'd do it no problem, but I don't want to waste any time drafting, and have it kicked back to the office for being non-compliant. I called the clerk's office and the form I need is one of the few not available online. GREAT! I think I'm going to have to call Rick and see if he can email a form or something.

Why am I so wishy-washy?

The plan was to buy a new mp3 player this past weekend. I can't commit to either the ipod or the new gigabeat. So indecisive. I bid on an ipod tonight, and then went into panic-mode when it looked like I was going to win. I'm just going to have to buck up and go buy one at the store with a liberal return policy. I'm also getting an external hard-drive, so at least my files will be saved somewhere safe no matter what I end up buying.

Tomorrow is not shaping up to be a good day. I'm meeting with one of my least favorite clients. I loathe having to deal with him and his case. They teach you all kinds of things in law school, but I must have missed the class where they taught you how to deal with ungrateful, controlling clients. Thankfully, I have all the notes and revisions made at the last few appointments...he won't be able to say I said such and such... I hope tomorrow flies by.

I can't wait to see RRB and MMC, Thursday night! 65 hours, give or take. We played with the idea of staying the night in Midland, since the show is at a hotel and all. However, common sense won out. Manuel has graduation Friday and I don't think we can chance not making it back in time. I've got the morning off, and then that afternoon we're having our Christmas party. So, it'll probably turn into an early day at the bar.

I'm not sure if anyone had been following the James Kim story. He was an editor for CNet. He and his family were stranded in SW Oregon. His family (a wife and two daughters, age 4 and 7 months) was discovered on the 4th, yet he had left them to go for help. His body was recovered on the 6th.

CNet posted this as a way to help out the Kim Family.

Friday, December 8

LAW & Friends

I didn't get around to this yesterday. I don't really know how to describe the show. It was fantastic, fun and packed. I was somewhat disappointed to find out that it wasn't an acoustic show, entirely. I didn't realize that Lee Ann Womack's band was on the bill as well, until that afternoon. The first ninety minutes would be the song swap, the last hour would be LAW.

The night started out with a DVD intro by LAW. It was about saving country music...and tore into the usual suspects, Kenny Chesney and Big & Rich. Then, they took the stage. I have to say I was surprised by the overwhelming crowd reaction to Stoney. He hasn't been to Lubbock in quite some time (I'm thinking end of April). He was, without a doubt, the crowd favorite; save for the girls behind us that found it necessary to scream how much they loved Cody after every song. Wade sounded great, Cody didn't disappoint and LAW sounded great, as well. The only thing that would have been better is if her vocals were a bit louder. It was hard to hear at times. She pretty much watched Stoney all night, in awe... (or was texting on her phone)

After the acoustic portion, we moved to the side of the stage. It was far too packed to stay near the front of the stage. LAW took the stage after a short 15 minute break. I have never seen her with a full-band. She put on a great show. I'm holding out saying how I feel about her singing "Down & Out," because the initial weirdness of hearing someone else sing those words hasn't faded. The highlight of her set was "Mendocino County Line" with Stoney doing his Willie thing.

Wade, Cody and Stoney all hung out on the side of the stage for her set. I felt bad for Cody. Every five to ten minutes, a new group of people would ask for a picture, autograph...something from him. He did start laughing at one point, though. These two young girls came up for a picture. The had Nikki take a picture of I Hope You Dance is beginning. One of the girls said, Ooooh, girl! We got to go hear this one! They dash off after the picture and Cody is left there am I.

I think my favorite songs of the night were Cody singing the George Strait song, "Unwound," Wade singing "One Step Closer," Stoney singing "Steel Heart," and Lee Ann Womack singing "I May Hate Myself In the Morning." Although, Cody singing "Back Around" was pretty was Stoney singing "Empty Glass." Yeah, I'm not good at choosing favorites.

It was a lot of fun. Lots of people came out to the show. It had been quite some time since I'd seen Chris B. and Justin P. I almost got talked into committing to a trip to OKC at the end of the year. I stopped short of saying yes, when I realized New Year's Day is on Monday. Yeah, I don't think that'll fly in the office. At least not when I'm leaving on the 3rd for Steamboat.


Last night, I had planned on going to see the Charlie Shafter Band. Well, that didn't work out, due to an illness in the band. So, instead we watched Harold & Kumar go to White Castle for the umpteenth time. I got to bed early, yet still woke up late.

Not much going on here this weekend. I am buying the ipod, buying some last minute gifts and cleaning my bedroom. I have lost my set of keys to the house, office and my mom and dad's place. I KNOW they are somewhere in the comes the part of finding out where in the house.

Thursday, December 7

me = doing a happy dance

Cody confirmed, tonight, that they WILL be in Idaho again! I've got to get some sleep, but I'll write more tomorrow.

Monday, December 4

Along with my batman begins addiction...

I, apparently, have a Sarah McLachlan one. I can't stop listening to her versions of "Happy Christmas" or "River". I love her voice. Now, I have to listen to all her songs on my mp3 player.

I'm thinking about going to see Charlie for a bit tonight...I shouldn't but that hasn't stopped me before.

The prospect of seeing the RRB for the first time in 3 months (unbelievable) has me anxiously awaiting December 14th. To make for an even better, early Christmas present, the Motorcars are opening up the show. Plus, Wade Bowen is in town! If the show ends early, I'll book it to the Ranch to see the remainder of Wade's show.

Sunday, December 3

fun, but I'm glad it's over...

Last night was a mix of the bizarre and unbelievable. I don't remember a night like that at the Blue Light, ever. Started off the night talking with they guys from the Ryan Turner Band. Cody Banks is sitting in with them for a while. It was good to see him again. Ryan was having a call-a-cab, so I HAD to have my cherry daiquiri. It turned out to be the first of many.

The show was going great. Then, about three songs in, the lights start to flicker. Seconds later, the entire bar goes black. We sit in the dark for a few minutes. The guys pick up where they left off, all is well. A few songs later, the power on the stage goes again! Ryan's face was hilarious. He decides to do a few acoustic songs while the rest of the power is restored. The rest of the show goes on without a hitch (somewhat).

After the show, there's a fight a few feet away involving the mother of a birthday girl and I'm not sure who the other party was. However, it turned into a melee involving six to eight people. I have NEVER seen Stroot that mad. There came a point where a guy was up in his face and I was afraid of what was going to happen next. Thankfully, David got them thrown out of the bar. The police were called. Calm before the storm... We're talking with Marshall and Stroot comes by looking spent. He said it must be the full moon, because some girl got into the storage room and just started breaking things left and right. There was some unnecessary behavior...passing out, puking, yelling. To say some were shell-shocked, would be an understatement.

We left the bar at closing and headed to Josie's and then to play some poker. OMG, if you wanted to see the sorriest bunch of poker players, you should have been there. It was hilarious how bad we were. We had a good time, though.

Check out the Ryan Turner Band on He's very happy about this!